Mireille: Tada! (she holds up three items that look like envelopes. One has a catsuit on it, another has a maid's outfit, and the other has a schoolgirl outfit.) I finally got my hands on it! Look, look, look! Three sets of clothes!
Ouka: Who would wear something like that?
(Magi and Kamui log in.)
Hotaru: Ah... Kamui-san!
Mireille: (she turns around and looks at them.) Ah, it's been a long time!
Magi: Everyone... is gathered here.
Kamui: Are we going out?
Sanjuro: I think there's an event happening.
(Balmung and Reki log in.)
Balmung: Leave it to me. Today's event is incredible.
Mireille: Is it... Balmung-san's project? (She makes sort of a happy noise)
Reki: It's okay. I've checked it properly.
Balmung: (He looks up at everyone) The two important people... haven't shown up.
Hotaru: Don't worry, they'll be here soon.
Hotaru's grunty: Buuhii!
Mireille: Since the only place to meet someone regardless of the distance and time... is here, in "The World."
Sanjuro: (He nods) This world is a place they've protected.
(Shugo and Rena log in)
Shugo and Rena: (They both turn around and face everyone, speaking in unison.) Did you guys wait long?
Mireille: They're here!
Rena: Everyone looks healthy!
Hotaru: Yeah!
Grunty: Buuhii!
Komiyan: Tres bien...
Ouka: I can't wait to show my abilities!
Sanjuro: Shall we leave for training, Shugo?
Shugo: Yes, Sanjuro-san!
Rena: Training is good, but don't forgot Rena!
(The small pinkish-purple haired Heavy Axe (if she had a name I forgot) is now shown, watching them from a distance.)
Shugo: Of course! Do you think we'll ever be separated again? "The World..." here is a place we can always meet.
Heavy Axe: (she smiles) It's a place where you can meet anytime, if your heart desires...
Shugo: Let's go!
Rena: Hero of Legend, revived!
(The picture freezes on Shugo and Rena jumping into the air, and then fades out. The End!)
And now for screenshots! Click the thumbnails for a bigger image.

And there you go! =D;;