Well, you guys wanted a forum to rp, and we got one ; I think this is the right place to put this, since it is a fan BBS. Our very own Epsilon made it, and I mod there :pp
Sure! Just shoot ^^. I'll let apostle13 (Elkyyy *cough*) be in charge of the RP stuffs, though *Points at him*. Just do whatever you guys want to do, I guess ^^. I'll join in later, I have alot of work to do, on and offline x_X;.
I tried like 15 diff. namesand it said all of them were being used. If you would be so kind as to find a name that isn't being used, it would be very much so appreciated. Anything will do as long as it's nothing Girly.
Life is to short to be unhappy. You gotta live while you can.
Urm, there are only a few members; I doubt that the name is actually taken. Actually.. from the looks of it... You've been registered about 9 times all under different names.. heh. I think you may be doing something wrong. I'm going to delete all of your registrations, please try to figure out what you are doing wrong ^^;. PM me, or IM me on AIM (if you have it), and I can help you out, no worries!