.hack//SIGN Intro

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Post by Tsukasa »

Sora wrote:Second of all, her hair is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. She's blonde, Tsukasa has reddish-brown hair. Her hair is wavy/curly and long, Tsukasa's hair is short and straight.
Hai hai! Mite kudasai yo!

Short hair! ^___^

Long hair! ^___^

Thank you come again!

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. H A C K // S O R A
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Post by . H A C K // S O R A »

so i guess it boils down to

A. random charecture with no atachment to the siries besides being in the opening.

or b. i could countunue to speculate on other charecturers untell we finaly come back to A... to bad

do you get to see the IRL helba in the ova limanality?(oh thats one you could get me on. i have not seen all of the ova that comes with the games.)
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Post by Tsukasa »

So far, no. The only person who could possibly be someone in the game would be Kuro no Bito, and there's no telling whether or not he is who he possibly could be... If he's anyone from the games, he's likely to be Wiseman. That's about it, though.
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Post by Duskino »

In my opinion, I honestly think she doesn't have anything to do with the series. ^_^;; I could be wrong, but hey, dancing lady with a spiffy opening; what more do you need? =P
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. H A C K // S O R A
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Post by . H A C K // S O R A »

oh just thought of somthing.
this would be the obvious choice. because it cant be BT, bt had shorter hair(not by mutch.) and sence helba is a super hacker maby thats the gear she uses to acess the world.
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Post by Rhyste »

I still don't think she looks anything like Helba.

Helba is blonder.
This girl has brown hair.
Helba had little to do with //SIGN in the end, BTW: Why would she be in the opening? Not even Sora or Crim was there.

Helba IRL is more than likely a male, BTW: It's very, VERY typical in MMORPG's for guys to use female characters, or vice versa in Tsukasa's case.
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Post by Brad_Evans »

For now, we can't just conclude things by looks. No answers has seemed to come out of this discussion ^^;
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Could be....

Post by Untitled6 »

for some reasone when i saw that lady dancing it gave me the impression that shes either bt or helba ,and no im not saying there virual form im saying it could be there rl body as far as the suit goes and the dancing i seriously dont think its part of the game at all. I would think that the dancing and the suit would be for show ^^' nothing more ,i mean nothing nothing in the world leads us to beleive who it is
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Post by Spike Spiegal »

i think its morgana. Cuz in the episode "Castle" you see Harold, and he looks alot like the player in the intro. Since he is the "father" of Aura, and Morgana is the mother, she might look like aura too. Derr joo go
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Post by Rhyste »

... Morgana is an AI. She has no physical embodiment. :roll:
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Post by FireDraconian »

Sora wrote: [spoiler]Sora wasn't data drained. He was turned into Skeith, as most obvious evidence shows.[/spoiler]
*cough* [spoiler]I don't mean to "push it", or anything, but I thought it was proven that Sora wasn't turned into Skeith. I thought for sure that several people, including Rhyste, had said that he was just trapped inside Skeith's staff...[/spoiler]
"A friend... or perhaps, a foe. A meddler with a warning." -Helba, .hack//Infection
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Post by Rhyste »

Seemingly, Skeith and his Staff are separated at Data Drain; making Staff and Beast separate. The staff, more than likely, holds Sora. It seems fitting since in vol. 3 he "comes out" of it in a way.

Also, why did you put that in a Spoiler Tag?
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Post by .Hack//Beo »

OK everyone, remember on the beta version of "The World" some beta tester died (comitted sucide) . Perhaps that person is emma editing Aura. And maybe that diving thing is Emma going to Aura to edit. Then something went wrong (perhaps Morgana) and Emma died. Or it was only neccessary to complete Aura to give emmas thoughts to Aura so she died.

Oh and in OUTBREAK, where do you find Skeith's staff? Wasent destroied when you data drained skeith?
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Post by KiteShugo »

if you destroy skeith in vol. 1 how does he come back in vol. 3?

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Post by Tiffany »

Speaking of the start does anyone know why the players split in half? :?
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