About Sora
Moderators: Sora, Balmung, Bear, Kite
if you see that last episode in .hack//sign that one voice who terrizzes tsukasa summons skeith and sora was the first victom of skeith as he was datadrained and became skeiths wand and then skeith started to chase aura and then the game picks up from that
if water was vodka,
then i'd be a duck,
i'd swim in my bathtub and never come up,
but waters not vodka and i'm not a duck so leave me alone and shut the f*** up
then i'd be a duck,
i'd swim in my bathtub and never come up,
but waters not vodka and i'm not a duck so leave me alone and shut the f*** up
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- Brad_Evans
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You forgot Zero? Sora is roaming freeeeeeee is zero XDmannshjj wrote:No the real Sora (the one in the coma) isn't an AI. The Sora that joins your party at the end of Quarentine is an AI, a copy of his data. I don't think Sora could feel like Tsukasa (Tsukasa was a special case), since he wasn't really being used he was in that place where all the comatose players are, and thinks that he is "dead." Sora is trapped in "The World", just isn't free to move around like Tsukasa.
It's not completed yet, tho, but I'm pretty sure that it's sora that we knew :3
Pagyuu~ desunoh?
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- Brad_Evans
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- Lunarcloud_88
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It's possible his AI's memories were corrupted in the data drain transfer, and compile, once his data was freed from the staff. However, episode 26 of SIGN, shows that he is literally, well, crucified atop Skeith's staff. His body is up against the large circle on it, and that's where his body is data drained. With the awakening of Aura, more than likely, Morganna kicked in her defensive mode. And what mode is that? Why, .. creating Skeith. And, oh .. ! How lucky! The Terror of Death is in the same room as the most merciless and skilled PKer in the game. Why, .. I think Morganna has an idea.
Basically, Sora's data get's trapped into Skeith staff. Why? More than likely to gather more information. That is why Morganna was made, .. not to mention all of the Waves. Sora had the best data for just what Skeith was seeking. He gets data drained, data absorbed, and Skeith becomes more powerful. Later on, after Skeith was destroyed, this extra data was released in the form of Skeith's staff .. the only part of Skeith that isn't his body. Why was it released? It was a large amount of foreign data .. Skeith was created from raw material. Sora was intergrated into his system. Skeith, more than likely, didn't do much except seek out ONLY Aura. No one else. Morganna probably thinking that since he had Sora in his system, needed no other information, that Skeith would be best equipped for this task. However, when Skeith was destroyed, the left over data that was taken, being Sora, was released back into the system.
Either The World intergrated Sora's data back into the gane, creating an AI version of him, or Helba herself found the backup data of Sora .. and reconfigured him herself, knowing what an asset he would be for Kite. You know. Since he is saving The World and all.
Basically, Sora's data get's trapped into Skeith staff. Why? More than likely to gather more information. That is why Morganna was made, .. not to mention all of the Waves. Sora had the best data for just what Skeith was seeking. He gets data drained, data absorbed, and Skeith becomes more powerful. Later on, after Skeith was destroyed, this extra data was released in the form of Skeith's staff .. the only part of Skeith that isn't his body. Why was it released? It was a large amount of foreign data .. Skeith was created from raw material. Sora was intergrated into his system. Skeith, more than likely, didn't do much except seek out ONLY Aura. No one else. Morganna probably thinking that since he had Sora in his system, needed no other information, that Skeith would be best equipped for this task. However, when Skeith was destroyed, the left over data that was taken, being Sora, was released back into the system.
Either The World intergrated Sora's data back into the gane, creating an AI version of him, or Helba herself found the backup data of Sora .. and reconfigured him herself, knowing what an asset he would be for Kite. You know. Since he is saving The World and all.
i am the alpha nerd
im not going to get in to detels but when sora was data drained by skith he was traped in the game maby the wond im not shure how it worked with skith but when u find the wand in the dungen and relese sora asumably the sora in the real world awoke from his coma as did orca and all of the other data drain victoms at the end of the game
also is it possable that sora is blackroses brother that is mentoned very little untell the last game or perhaps the boy from the begginig of the .hack//limanality(random thoughts)
also is it possable that sora is blackroses brother that is mentoned very little untell the last game or perhaps the boy from the begginig of the .hack//limanality(random thoughts)
Re: i am the alpha nerd
Sora =/= kazu.jarode wrote: also is it possable that sora is blackroses brother that is mentoned very little untell the last game

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- thedudewhosadude
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Re: i am the alpha nerd
Well, Sora can't be Blackroses's brother, for a few reasons. Let's look at the end of //QUARANTINE, during fight against Corbenik (was that it's name? It's been AGES since I've played it...). About half-way through, you watch a cut-scene, where Aura calls all of the comatose players to attack the shield. While it COULD be possible that Kazu had two avatars, Sora and Kazu, it is impossible for him to have two separate conciousnesses living in the same body.jarode wrote: also is it possable that sora is blackroses brother that is mentoned very little untell the last game or perhaps the boy from the begginig of the .hack//limanality(random thoughts)
As for the boy from //Liminality, I'm not sure who you're talking about. The only 'boys' in all of //LIMINALITY are Yuki's brother, Sieg, and Mai's other friend. Regardless, it cannot be anyone in //Liminality, since before //Liminality even started, Sora IRL was already comatose!
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
Plus, Kazu & Sora have completely different characters, all together.
Kazu is quite collected.. & I doubt that he is much younger than Blackrose, while Sora shows obvious signs of being a mischeivous child. It's safe to assume that you'd be correct thinking Sora is not Kazu.
Kazu is quite collected.. & I doubt that he is much younger than Blackrose, while Sora shows obvious signs of being a mischeivous child. It's safe to assume that you'd be correct thinking Sora is not Kazu.
I cast FAIL on those who mock my old signature.
What are you talking about?jarode wrote:waight wernt some of thoes players she summened just old chariter data like sukasa and subaru
If you mean the Blue orbs Aura summons to fight off Corbenic, then, no. They were the actual comatose players who were still active in The World. After Aura summoned them they were freed, as all ties between them and Morganna had been severed when Corbenic was destroyed. They then regained consciousness in the real world.
Lycoris: What is the name of your spear?
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.