Just finish watching the dubbed Phantom and i gotta say i really liked the english Balmung he had a little of the high and mighty cockyness too him which was good. (Of course he may have had this in the Japanese version but i couldnt tell cause i watched the subs ) That and his voice actor i thought was pretty good. He didnt sound as zombieish as the other usually do in the dub.
PS. Is it just me or does Aura look alot like a key in the scene where Sora follows Maha. Her hair and head look like the handle and her body the rest of the key. (This has probably already been noticed ) I know there are those who think Aura isnt really the key but this looks like a really big hint (Of course it could be my imagination again )
"That power you have... is the same power that put Orca into a coma!" - Balmung
If you haven't noticed, Mimiru's eng. VA acts too animated when it comes to talking on //SIGN's cheap animation. The voice actors AREN'T STIFF and BAD like people think they are, the ANIMATION is stiff and bad. I hate people knockin the Eng. voice actors when they're doing a perfectly fine job considered the amount of facial animation and expression [or animation at all] in //SIGN.
"Oh, it's a dead end. This really bites." Sora
"Nope, God doesn't want us!"-FullMetalAlchemist
Yes mimiru is an exception she does over do it a lot, and the other actors get better later in the series (i was reffering to the beggining but i guess i forgot that part). I didnt say i didnt like the dub VAs in fact i love Soras and Bears and Balmungs, the japanese version just sounded more "normal". Then again like you said it could have to do with Signs animation. I havent really "examined" the series that hard.
"That power you have... is the same power that put Orca into a coma!" - Balmung
I don't examine any anime, and by knocking the VA's I wasn't referring to you in general, I was referring to anyone who complains about the VA's. I notice the quality of animation in any anime and in some it has even stopped me from LIKING the series.
"Oh, it's a dead end. This really bites." Sora
"Nope, God doesn't want us!"-FullMetalAlchemist
Crispin Freeman was the one who voices Balmung. Altho, Balmung has 2 voice actors:
Crispin Freeman (plays Balmung in Phantom and in volumes 2-4 of the games)
Doug Erholtz (plays Balmung only in //Infection)
I like Crispin Freeman playing Balmung more, but that's just me.
I think they did a great job picking the dubbed va's. They got the best in the business:
Wendee Lee
Lex Lang
Dave Wittenberg
Mona Marshall
Steve Blum
Derek Stephen Prince (or Steve Prince as he's credited as)
Brianne Siddal
Donna Rawlins
Sandy Fox
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Mimiru's voice got on my nerves too many times....
Wenndy Lee does Mimiru? Isnt she the one that does Val. in Cowboy Bebop and Su and Tama in Love Hina? Jeez she can really toy around with her voice, i didnt even recognize it like i ussually do.
Robby-san wrote:Wenndy Lee does Mimiru? Isnt she the one that does Val. in Cowboy Bebop and Su and Tama in Love Hina? Jeez she can really toy around with her voice, i didnt even recognize it like i ussually do.
Heh, yeah she can. Rei and Yui in Evangelion!? She has a talent for changing her voice...