.hack Timeline (Not the series timeline) *SPAMMY POST*
Moderators: Sora, Balmung, Bear, Kite
.hack Timeline (Not the series timeline) *SPAMMY POST*
Okay... I figured this would be nice to post here. n.n;; This is the previous information that acts before the games, series, etc etc... ^-^ It's all important to make things seem a bit more clear. And perhaps some things will be a bit more understandable once this is out in the open. By the way, this is available on the US site for .hack. (http://www.dothack.com) - There are a few things added, by the way, as they come from the Newtype Publication of this timeline (mind you, it was in the Japanese issue of Newtype. I don't know if it's in the US version.), with a few notations by me at the end.
[EDIT: As per request, I've pulled it out of Cyberslum and reposted it as a sticky post. Enjoy. ^^]
End of the 20th Century
The global information highway known as the "internet" is born from the Department of Defense's ARPANET. By 1999, the internet is accessible to most of the world.
Beginning of the 21st Century
Through spread of the network, "Democratization of Information" occurs. As a result, it becomes difficult to conceal information. Dictatorships and police states are on the verge of extinction. By the end of the first five years of the 21st Century, communist Dictatorship in East Asia and military states in the Middle East either disappear from the face of the Earth, or are forced to change their system of government. However, problems with network hackers attacking host servers and instigating other internet crimes exponentially increase as they change their methods of operation and increase the frequence of their attacks.
October 2002
The World Network Council is formed under the United Nations. All countries with internet environments are obligated to join the council.
World Network Council: An organization that administers all information related to the network and is responsible for a healthy development and execution of the internet. All countries with internet environments are obligated to join. Treaty countries and representatives of each continent create the committee that governs the council. General meetings are held four times anually, and resolutions voted upon must be upheld. Committee members at the time of the birth of the WNC represented 14 countries: United States, Canada, Great Britan, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, and South Africa.
March 2003
WNC Winter General meeting is held (the first WNC general meeting). Each country quickly discloses their differences in expectations and difficulty in making adjustments. It becomes a general meeting that tests the limits of the WNC.
WNC Winter General Meeting: The main agenda was internet crime. Presentations and debates on counter-measures against hackers, recent computer viruses, criminal techniques, and laws to protect victims were discussed. Resolutions of severe penalties for hacking, support for the development of an OS that can withstand virus attacks, creation of an emergency manual in the incendence of a network emergency, orders to companies and server administrators on presentation of security measures, and the preparation of an international network police force were passed.
April 2003
Outbreak of the new type of virus, "Hello WNC," occurs. The M Company's e-mail program, which held 70% of the market shares at the time, is targeted. In the end, there were over several million reports of damage.
"Hello WNC": A new type of virus that possesses all characteristics of past known viruses: self-perpetuating and transmitting, capable of leaking personal information, and destruction of data.
July 2003
WNC Summer General Meeting is held. The main agenda on the table is the counter-measure against "Hello WNC." International public opinion opposing this necessity quickly rises as WNC is unable to reach any decision or take any drastic or landmark measures.
December 2003
Outbreak of a new type of virus, "Deadly Flash" occurs. Seven people are dead. The death penality is ruled for the first time in internet crime history for the Japanese man who created the virus.
Deadly Flash: A virus that emits continuous high powered light signals on the monitor when the computer is turned on. Violent simulation of the pituitary glands results in convulsions, seizures, and conscious disorders.
April 2004
WNC Spring General Meeting is held. The Japanese, German, and Italian delegations propose the concept of "New Generation Hyper Net," but it is vetoed by the objections from the UNited States and China. As a result, only agendas such as "Advancement of Research and Investigation of New Type of Viruses," "Support for New Development of Security Techniques," and "Stronger Punishment for Cyber Crimes such as Hacking and Computer Virus Creations" are voted upon.
New Generation Hyper Net: A proposal that outlines the development of a basic, universal OS to replace the current OS that is unable to cope with the newly evolved viruses and sophisticated cyber crimes committed by hackers.
August 2004
The host computer of the Swiss Banks is hacked. Losses are reported to be over 80 billion dollars. A terrorist organization active in the 20th century claims responsibility, but the culprit is yet to be apprehended.
January 2005
Stock prices in the New York Stock Exchange repeadly show high surges and drops. From a manifesto issued by the culprit, it becomes clear that ht emain computers in the Stock Exchange on Wall Street and major security companies have been hacked. The culprit is yet to be caught.
Spring to Fall 2005
With the surge in cyber crime, the existance of the WNC, which only displays the slogan of "Support for Security Development" and "Elimination of Cyber Crimes, " becomes questionable.
December 2005
"Pluto's Kiss" outbreak occurs. All networks on the globe crash on December 24th. Almost all computers with communication control systems connected to the network experience malfunctions, wreaking havoc and chaos over the world. This day the network that has spread to the far reaches of the globe, "meets death." The network recovers 77 minutes after the incident, but inherent dangers such as the triggering of the United States' nuclear defense systems and automated counterstrike program, still loom. The culprid is a 10 year old grade school student. The "Democratization of Cyber Crimes" results as a consequence of the "Democratization of Information."
Pluto's Kiss: Damage reports from "pluto's kiss" include: world market chaos due to the cease of online stock exchange, blow to major hospitals with main computer failure, in turn affecting life support systems and other sugery software, destruction of client information management resulting from computer system malfunctions in the financial markets, numerous automotive and mass transit accidents due ot the system failure of traffic signals, malfunction of mass transit management systems, and the cease of air traffic controls in airports resulting in airplane crashes throughout the world.
January 2006
Jim Stonecold, the 44th President of the United States of America, resigns, taking responsibility for the "Pluto's Kiss" incident.
WNC Winter General Meeting is held. The proposal of "New Generation Hyper Net" from 2004 resurfaces and the only OS that evaded the "Pluto's Kiss," ALTIMIT is designated as the universal basic operating system.
ALTIMIT: The only OS unaffected by the "Pluto's Kiss" incident. Boasting high sophistication on the stability and emergency management systems, it is far more resilient to already existing computer viruses.
Summer 2006
The business OS, "ALTIMIT," becomes available to the general public. Also around this time, the core members of the ALTIMIT developing team depart from the company and establish CyberConnect Corporation.
A German programmer named Harold Horwick brings the network game, "Fragment" to the CC Corporation.
January 2007
The next generation network system using ALTIMIT spreads across the world. A communication network volume before the "Pluto's Kiss" is completed. ALTIMIT Co. (headquartered in San Fransisco), establishes local subsidiaries in 12 different locations throughout the world.
May 2007Testing of the ALTIMIT network game, "Fragment," begins. After the "Pluto's Kiss" incident, all forms of network entertainment are restricted, but this project is granted special permission from the WNC to be conducted to "invigorate the currently dead network entertainment markets."
July 2007
"Fragment" dominates the board for network users. Rumors spread that "Fragment" is based upon the network epic, "Epitaph of the Twilight," which is famous among certain groups of users. CC Corporation joins the international stock market.
October 2007
WNC makes an official announcement that as of October 31st, nearly 100% of all network servers in the world have been ported to ALTIMIT OS. It is also announced that all network restirctions will be lifted as of midnight, December 24th (Network Peace Proclamation). The United Nations votes to make this day an international holiday known as "Virgin's Kiss."
CC Corporation issues a press release and officially announce the release of the Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game, "The World," which is also the official title of the game known as "Fragment." The release date is almost universal throughout the globe, with download availble beginning at midnight on December 24th, as "Virgin's Kiss" holiday begins.
November 2007 - First Half
Reservations for "The World" begin. 1 million users login in the first hour. CC Corporation's total stock value surpasses ALTIMIT Co.
November 2007 - Second Half
Rumors of "The World" not being released spreads among the network community. CC Corporation denies the rumor.
December 24, 2007
"Virgins's Kiss" arrives. President Alex Coleman announces the "Network Peace Proclamation" to the world. Download of "The World" commences.
The World: The widespread popularity of "The World" is the result of it's high quality game content, but also the realization and fulfillment of the users' need for network entertainment. "The World" is available in 12 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, and Hindu. 4,576.723 users downloaded on its first day. Total download figures in 2007 alone is 6,584,917. By 2008, there are over 10 million users worldwide, and it is announced that within two years, the total number of users worldwide will reach 15 million.
The character Tsukasa is taken on The World.
200X (Note: this takes place 6 months before .hack//Infection)
Aura awakens.
Kite begins playing The World.
201X (Note: Four years after the events of .hack//Quarantine)
.hackers edition characters are presented to winners of a contest.
[EDIT: As per request, I've pulled it out of Cyberslum and reposted it as a sticky post. Enjoy. ^^]
End of the 20th Century
The global information highway known as the "internet" is born from the Department of Defense's ARPANET. By 1999, the internet is accessible to most of the world.
Beginning of the 21st Century
Through spread of the network, "Democratization of Information" occurs. As a result, it becomes difficult to conceal information. Dictatorships and police states are on the verge of extinction. By the end of the first five years of the 21st Century, communist Dictatorship in East Asia and military states in the Middle East either disappear from the face of the Earth, or are forced to change their system of government. However, problems with network hackers attacking host servers and instigating other internet crimes exponentially increase as they change their methods of operation and increase the frequence of their attacks.
October 2002
The World Network Council is formed under the United Nations. All countries with internet environments are obligated to join the council.
World Network Council: An organization that administers all information related to the network and is responsible for a healthy development and execution of the internet. All countries with internet environments are obligated to join. Treaty countries and representatives of each continent create the committee that governs the council. General meetings are held four times anually, and resolutions voted upon must be upheld. Committee members at the time of the birth of the WNC represented 14 countries: United States, Canada, Great Britan, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, and South Africa.
March 2003
WNC Winter General meeting is held (the first WNC general meeting). Each country quickly discloses their differences in expectations and difficulty in making adjustments. It becomes a general meeting that tests the limits of the WNC.
WNC Winter General Meeting: The main agenda was internet crime. Presentations and debates on counter-measures against hackers, recent computer viruses, criminal techniques, and laws to protect victims were discussed. Resolutions of severe penalties for hacking, support for the development of an OS that can withstand virus attacks, creation of an emergency manual in the incendence of a network emergency, orders to companies and server administrators on presentation of security measures, and the preparation of an international network police force were passed.
April 2003
Outbreak of the new type of virus, "Hello WNC," occurs. The M Company's e-mail program, which held 70% of the market shares at the time, is targeted. In the end, there were over several million reports of damage.
"Hello WNC": A new type of virus that possesses all characteristics of past known viruses: self-perpetuating and transmitting, capable of leaking personal information, and destruction of data.
July 2003
WNC Summer General Meeting is held. The main agenda on the table is the counter-measure against "Hello WNC." International public opinion opposing this necessity quickly rises as WNC is unable to reach any decision or take any drastic or landmark measures.
December 2003
Outbreak of a new type of virus, "Deadly Flash" occurs. Seven people are dead. The death penality is ruled for the first time in internet crime history for the Japanese man who created the virus.
Deadly Flash: A virus that emits continuous high powered light signals on the monitor when the computer is turned on. Violent simulation of the pituitary glands results in convulsions, seizures, and conscious disorders.
April 2004
WNC Spring General Meeting is held. The Japanese, German, and Italian delegations propose the concept of "New Generation Hyper Net," but it is vetoed by the objections from the UNited States and China. As a result, only agendas such as "Advancement of Research and Investigation of New Type of Viruses," "Support for New Development of Security Techniques," and "Stronger Punishment for Cyber Crimes such as Hacking and Computer Virus Creations" are voted upon.
New Generation Hyper Net: A proposal that outlines the development of a basic, universal OS to replace the current OS that is unable to cope with the newly evolved viruses and sophisticated cyber crimes committed by hackers.
August 2004
The host computer of the Swiss Banks is hacked. Losses are reported to be over 80 billion dollars. A terrorist organization active in the 20th century claims responsibility, but the culprit is yet to be apprehended.
January 2005
Stock prices in the New York Stock Exchange repeadly show high surges and drops. From a manifesto issued by the culprit, it becomes clear that ht emain computers in the Stock Exchange on Wall Street and major security companies have been hacked. The culprit is yet to be caught.
Spring to Fall 2005
With the surge in cyber crime, the existance of the WNC, which only displays the slogan of "Support for Security Development" and "Elimination of Cyber Crimes, " becomes questionable.
December 2005
"Pluto's Kiss" outbreak occurs. All networks on the globe crash on December 24th. Almost all computers with communication control systems connected to the network experience malfunctions, wreaking havoc and chaos over the world. This day the network that has spread to the far reaches of the globe, "meets death." The network recovers 77 minutes after the incident, but inherent dangers such as the triggering of the United States' nuclear defense systems and automated counterstrike program, still loom. The culprid is a 10 year old grade school student. The "Democratization of Cyber Crimes" results as a consequence of the "Democratization of Information."
Pluto's Kiss: Damage reports from "pluto's kiss" include: world market chaos due to the cease of online stock exchange, blow to major hospitals with main computer failure, in turn affecting life support systems and other sugery software, destruction of client information management resulting from computer system malfunctions in the financial markets, numerous automotive and mass transit accidents due ot the system failure of traffic signals, malfunction of mass transit management systems, and the cease of air traffic controls in airports resulting in airplane crashes throughout the world.
January 2006
Jim Stonecold, the 44th President of the United States of America, resigns, taking responsibility for the "Pluto's Kiss" incident.
WNC Winter General Meeting is held. The proposal of "New Generation Hyper Net" from 2004 resurfaces and the only OS that evaded the "Pluto's Kiss," ALTIMIT is designated as the universal basic operating system.
ALTIMIT: The only OS unaffected by the "Pluto's Kiss" incident. Boasting high sophistication on the stability and emergency management systems, it is far more resilient to already existing computer viruses.
Summer 2006
The business OS, "ALTIMIT," becomes available to the general public. Also around this time, the core members of the ALTIMIT developing team depart from the company and establish CyberConnect Corporation.
A German programmer named Harold Horwick brings the network game, "Fragment" to the CC Corporation.
January 2007
The next generation network system using ALTIMIT spreads across the world. A communication network volume before the "Pluto's Kiss" is completed. ALTIMIT Co. (headquartered in San Fransisco), establishes local subsidiaries in 12 different locations throughout the world.
May 2007Testing of the ALTIMIT network game, "Fragment," begins. After the "Pluto's Kiss" incident, all forms of network entertainment are restricted, but this project is granted special permission from the WNC to be conducted to "invigorate the currently dead network entertainment markets."
July 2007
"Fragment" dominates the board for network users. Rumors spread that "Fragment" is based upon the network epic, "Epitaph of the Twilight," which is famous among certain groups of users. CC Corporation joins the international stock market.
October 2007
WNC makes an official announcement that as of October 31st, nearly 100% of all network servers in the world have been ported to ALTIMIT OS. It is also announced that all network restirctions will be lifted as of midnight, December 24th (Network Peace Proclamation). The United Nations votes to make this day an international holiday known as "Virgin's Kiss."
CC Corporation issues a press release and officially announce the release of the Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game, "The World," which is also the official title of the game known as "Fragment." The release date is almost universal throughout the globe, with download availble beginning at midnight on December 24th, as "Virgin's Kiss" holiday begins.
November 2007 - First Half
Reservations for "The World" begin. 1 million users login in the first hour. CC Corporation's total stock value surpasses ALTIMIT Co.
November 2007 - Second Half
Rumors of "The World" not being released spreads among the network community. CC Corporation denies the rumor.
December 24, 2007
"Virgins's Kiss" arrives. President Alex Coleman announces the "Network Peace Proclamation" to the world. Download of "The World" commences.
The World: The widespread popularity of "The World" is the result of it's high quality game content, but also the realization and fulfillment of the users' need for network entertainment. "The World" is available in 12 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, and Hindu. 4,576.723 users downloaded on its first day. Total download figures in 2007 alone is 6,584,917. By 2008, there are over 10 million users worldwide, and it is announced that within two years, the total number of users worldwide will reach 15 million.
The character Tsukasa is taken on The World.
200X (Note: this takes place 6 months before .hack//Infection)
Aura awakens.
Kite begins playing The World.
201X (Note: Four years after the events of .hack//Quarantine)
.hackers edition characters are presented to winners of a contest.
Budget Zen: When you see something so stupid that your mind goes blank rather than try to rationalize it.
Errer;'sdfslfl;sdfksdfkl;sdf here! : D200X
The character Tsukasa is taken on The World.
200X (Note: this takes place 6 months before .hack//Infection)
Aura awakens.
Kite begins playing The World.
201X (Note: Four years after the events of .hack//Quarantine)
.hackers edition characters are presented to winners of a contest.
April 2009: .hack//SIGN starts
September 2009: .hack//SIGN ends [Note: It's revealed by Mimiru that the air dates of .hack//SIGN is basically the duration of the series]
March 2010: .hack//Infection Expansion and Liminality 1; start of games and Liminality
Christmas, December 2010: .hack//Absolute Encirclement and Liminality 4; end of games and Liminality
December [?] 2014: Start of UdeDen
and god said unto cain, "wow you're pretty stupid."
- Oh No Melon!
- Player Character
- Posts: 184
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 11:06 pm
200X : A super robot named MegaMan was created. Dr. Light created MegaMan to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily.
As one the collective unifies
emanate a faithless shine
forever creation has conceived
birth of destruction spreads its wings
chaotic rebirth a new domain
relive the sight the sound the pain
erotic the taste of agony
adorn the scars in inhumanity
emanate a faithless shine
forever creation has conceived
birth of destruction spreads its wings
chaotic rebirth a new domain
relive the sight the sound the pain
erotic the taste of agony
adorn the scars in inhumanity
- Invisible Egg!
- Legend
- Posts: 676
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:31 pm
That's pretty much the same thing that Tsukasa has posted.
Only, it's in Japanese, and it's not dated. :3
Also, according to the .hack//The World Super Guide, //SIGN and the games both take place in the year 2010, so, er, edit:
January 2010: .hack//SIGN starts
June 2010: .hack//SIGN ends
December 2010: .hack//Infection Expansion and Liminality 1; start of games and Liminality [this could be fit in that Kite gets The World as a christmas present? =\]
Christmas, December 2011: .hack//Absolute Encirclement and Liminality 4; end of games and Liminality
2015: Start of UdeDen

Also, according to the .hack//The World Super Guide, //SIGN and the games both take place in the year 2010, so, er, edit:
January 2010: .hack//SIGN starts
June 2010: .hack//SIGN ends
December 2010: .hack//Infection Expansion and Liminality 1; start of games and Liminality [this could be fit in that Kite gets The World as a christmas present? =\]
Christmas, December 2011: .hack//Absolute Encirclement and Liminality 4; end of games and Liminality
2015: Start of UdeDen
and god said unto cain, "wow you're pretty stupid."
So Aura is awake for 6 months before //Infection? Isn't that a rather long time? Wouldn't there have been rumors of Aura before this? Other faintings? It's rather sketchy... But I would probably put them closer together? (Don't most things say that //Infection starts almost immediately after //SIGN ends?)
- Brad_Evans
- Player Character
- Posts: 425
- Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:51 am
- Spike Spiegal
- Player Character
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 9:18 pm