.hack//Legend of The Twilight--Let's Meet Offline!
- thedudewhosadude
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.hack//Legend of The Twilight--Let's Meet Offline!
'Lo! I decided to type up the dan-translated script to .hack//LotT--LMO! Firstly, note that this is the fan sub version. The subs may or may not be correct; i have no way of knowing. The credit for the translated script goes to Excalibur Fansubs. Note that this will be an uber-long post, as it is the script! Also note that there is very little animation in LMO; it is mostly just a head of a character. Here goes!
(Setting: Mac Anu-Bridge)
*Shugo's face appears*
Shugo: *Yawns*
*Rena's face appears*
Rena: She's late...
*log in/out sound*
Rena: Ah, the transfer gate is opening!
Shugo: Here she comes!
*Mireille's face appears*
Mireille: The Rare-Hunter of love and courage, Mireille has come to visit!
Shugo: Huh. I thought that it was Hotaru-chan, but it's just Mireille.
Mireille: What do you mean by "huh"?
*Ouka's face appears*
Ouka: Are you disappointed that I'm not Hotaru?
Shugo: Ah, Ouka-san... you came along too?
Ouka: Well, Shugo?
Shugo: Uh, it's not that I'm disappointed, it's...
*Rena's head bumps Ouka's out of the way*
Rena: Brother, [ONIICHAN! sorry, i just can't help it!] there's something coming out of your nose.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Closer to the bridge)
Rena: We promised Hotaru we'd meet her here today. She said she had something to surprise everyone...
Mireille: *Oh......* What could that be?
Shugo: What could be taking Hotaru-chan so long? Is she lost?
Rena: There’s no chance of that; this is where we always meet!
(Setting: Chaos Gate)
*log in/out sound*
Ouka: Look's like she's here.
Rena: Yeah!
Mireille: Yahoo! Hotaru-chi!
Hotaru: G-guys!
Shugo: You're late, Hotaru-chan...
*Hotaru yells out*
Shugo: What?
Hotaru: Please help me! I'm lost! [Hotaru uses watashi...]
*Shugo's face doubles in size*
Everyone: Huh?!
(Setting: Mac Anu--Building)
Rena: What are you saying? You're already here!
Hotaru: Well...Um,er...Right now, outside...
Ouka: Then you're lost in the real world?
Hotaru: That's right! Today I came to Japan for the first time in my life along with Sanjuro-san, but I got seperated from him!
Shugo: Eh? The first time in your life you've been in Japan? With Sanjuro-san?!
Hotaru: I haven't mentioned it before, but I'm not Japanese, I'm American.
*Background changes to an outline of the US with the flag as the middle, and the letters USA in yellow across it*
*Shugo's face zooms in and out*
Shugo: What?! Wait, if you were with Sanjuro-san, that means...
Hotaru: Sanjuro-san is American too!
*Shugo's face zooms in and out*
Shugo: WHA?!
*stays zoomed out/small*
Shugo: N-no way...Master!
Mireille: What are you so surprised about, Shugo?
Rena: Could it be that you didn't notice, Brother?
Ouka: I thought it was painfully obvious.
Shugo: I'm the only one that didn't know?
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Hotaru: Since I wanted to study Japanese, I play The World on the Japan servers.
Mireille: But I'm amazed that you actually came to Japan! Why didn't you tell us sooner?
Hotaru: I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise everyone...
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Rena: What area of Japan are you in? Tokyo?
Hotaru: I....think that's it. I arrived at an airport called Narita and then I got on a train. I fell asleep on the train. When Sanjuro-san woke me up and we got off, there was an unbelieveable amount of people outside!
(Setting--Crowd of people on staircase, IRL)
*Hotaru's head rolls on, and continues to roll back and forth*
Hotaru: Excuse me! Sanjuro-san? Sanjuro-san? Sanjuro-san!
(Setting--A picture of people's feet walking, IRL)
*Hotaru's head continues the rolling*
Hotaru: Sanjuro-san! Sanjuro-san! Sanjuro-saaan!
(Setting--Mac Anu, original bridge)
Hotaru: And just like that I lost Sanjuro-san...Before i realized it, i was on the street outside the station!
Mireille: *weird "eh" thing*
Rena: I see...
Hotaru: I live in a really tiny American city. That was the first time I've seen so many people! I was so surprised and I didn't know what to do, so I walked around, and I found an Internet Cafe where I could play The World...
Ouka: And you're accessing from there right now, Hotaru?
Hotaru: Yes.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another building)
Rena: Do you know where you're staying in Tokyo? Like the name of your hotel?
Hotaru: I'm sorry, I let Sanjuro-san handle all that.
Rena: I see.
Hotaru: I left all my things with Sanjuro-san.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another Building)
Mireille: All of your things...even your wallet?
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: Then how are you gonna pay to use that cafe?
Hotaru: *Ah!* I've been so careless! I just went in with no money! *Hotaru's head shrinks while fading* What should I do?
Shugo: What's going on?
Ouka: Something troublesome. Tell me the name of the cafe, Hotaru.
Shugo: Ouka-san?
Ouka: I live in Tokyo. I'll go pick up Hotaru.
Mireille: Ah, me too, me too! I live in Tokyo!
Ouka: No! No! Absolutly not, Mireille!
Mireille: Eh, but why?
Ouka: No matter what! No means no!
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another Building)
Hotaru: Um...
Rena: What is it, Hotaru-chan?
Hotaru: I...wonder what the name of this cafe is?
Shugo: That's what we want to know!
Hotaru: I'm so sorry! I went in without looking at the name!
Ouka: It's not impossible.
Rena: Hey, is there anything written on the door?
Hotaru: The door? Please wait a minute. *4 second pause* I've got it! "Toro" is written there!
Shugo: Toro? Like the sword shop?
Hotaru: I think it's Toro...This is read "Toro", right? Um, it's written like this.
(Setting: Sand...)
*Hotaru etches in the sand トロ*
Everyone: *strange noise*
Shugo: That 'to' looks a bit slanted.
Ouka: The first could be read 'to' but...
Rena (i think): [Sand now looks like this: ?ロ] You don't mean...it's "iriguchi"?
*Sand changes to...well, i don't know how to type it, but it's a flipped 'y', or 'to' (ト) turned to the right so that the little stem touches the ground + ロ*
Everyone: AH!
Mireille: Of course it would say Entrance on a door!
Hotaru: I'm sorry! I can't read kanji yet... I can read a bit of hiragana and katakana, but...
Rena: Is there anything else? On the door or the walls or something?
Hotaru: Uh...there's a kanji-like symbol, and....there are some letters here! It looks like a place name. Shibuya?
Shugo: Shibuya? The store's in Shibuya?
Hotaru: Shinjuku...
Shugo: Uh, Shinjuku?
Hotaru: Ikebukuro...
Shugo: Um, Ikebukuro??
Rena: Probably a list of nearby shops.
Shugo: But where is she?!
Hotaru: I don't know!
(Setting--Mac Anu, further away from the bridge)
Ouka: It's getting late. If we hang around too long, Hotaru might be thrown out of the cafe.
Rena, Shugo, Mireille: *that weird 'ah' thing*
Ouka: First, I'll head out there and look for Hotaru. I'm sure it'll be somewhere between those three areas.
(Setting--Mac Anu, yet another building)
Shugo: I'll go too! I can search Shinjuku quickly!
Ouka: Okay. I'm counting on you Shugo. Mireille, you can stay here and try to get more info from Hotaru. Then contact me on my cell.
Mireille: No! I want to look for Hotaru too!
*Ouka's head doubles*
Ouka: How many times do I have to tell you 'no'? You'd just get in my way!
Mireille: You can't stop me! Mama said she'd be late getting back today!
*Ouka's head turns away*
Shugo: Ouka-san and Mireille... you know each other in real life?
Ouka: Something like that.
Mireille: I can just go alone!
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Ouka: Okay, okay. You can help search for Hotaru. But do not go out alone!
Mireille: Got it!
(Setting--Mac Anu, Chaos Gate)
Rena: I'll stay here and get info from Hotaru, and tell you guys! Sanjuro-san might show up too...
Shugo: Yeah, you do that Rena!
Ouka: This is my cell number. Talk to you later! Let's go Mireille!
Mireille: Let's meet up in real life, Hotaru!
Hotaru: Y-yes!
*Ouka, Mireille, and Shugo log out*
(Setting--Shugo's apartment door, IRL)
Shugo: Got my cell and my wallet... Dad said he'd be late today. Better lock the door.
*cell phone rings*
Shugo: Yes?
*Rena's head appears in a purple hexagon*
Rena: Brother, I think Hotaru really is in Shinjuku! She said there was a big tv when she left the station!
Shugo: But there's one in Shibuya too?
Rena: And after, she said there were a whole lot of buildings as tall as Babel!
Shugo: I see. Okay. I'll head to Shinjuku.
Rena: Call me when you get off the train! Good luck, Brother!
Shugo: Leave it to me!
*Rena's head beeps out*
Shugo: What sort of kid is Hotaru-chan, I wonder?
(Setting--Shinjuku, IRL)
*Rena calls again*
Rena: Hello? Brother, did you get to Shinjuku?
Shugo: Yeah. Find out anything, Rena?
Rena: It's terrible! The cafe Hotaru's in closes in 15 minutes!
Shugo: What? Did you find out the name of it?
Rena: No, but I know about where it is! I looked for all the shops that were net-capable. I'll send you an e-mail soon. We're going to check them all, ok?
Shugo: Got it!
Rena: Ouka-san and Mireille are going to the top two on the list. You take the bottom two!
Shugo: Roger!
(Setting--Downtown Shinjuku, IRL)
Shugo: The first one should be right here, but... Huh? That's funny, where is it? *walks around some more* 'Temporarily Closed'?! Don't do that so suddenly! You made me come out here for nothing! *walks again* The second should be around here... Here it is!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, IRL)
Shugo: Coming in... According to Rena's information, Hotaru is about 115cm tall and blonde... I don't see anyone like that... I wonder if she's in the one Ouka-san's searching. I've been holding it for a while, but I think I'll take a bathroom break.
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Bathroom enterance, IRL)
NOTE: If you don't want to be spoiled on the identities of the silhouettes, don't read beyond the word silhouette in that silhouette person's first appearance.
*Shugo runs in, sees a silhouette of a Hotaru-like person*
Shugo: Sorry.
Silhouette Person 0: It's okay.
*As silhouette person 0 is leaving...*
Shugo: Thank you.
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Urinals, IRL)
Shugo: Man, that startled me! I didn't think there was anyone here! And a foreigner at that! He was about my age...*does what sounds like a 'Pretty Gruntie' laugh* Kind of shy for a boy. Wonder what he was up to...
*Various bathroom noises*
Shugo: I feel refreshed!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Bathroom enterance, IRL)
Shugo: That foreign boy from before... he's looking this way. Now that I see him better, he seems incredibly pretty! Somehow, he's like a girl! Ah, nevermind that. I have to search for Hotaru right now! I don't have time to be hanging around!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, IRL)
*Shugo walks out to find a silhouette of a Mireille-like person waiting for him*
Silhouette Person 1: Ah! Shuuugo! You're Shugo, right?
*A silhouette of a Ouka-like person walks in*
Silhouette Person 2: Hey, cut it out. I'm sorry she suddenly called out to you...
Shugo: Well, I am Shugo, but...
Silhouette Person 1: I knew it!
*silhouette fills in to reveal Mireille*
Mireille: It's me! Mireille!
*3 second pause*
*Shugo's head becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, then Zooms in and out*
Shugo: B-but! You look too young to even be in kindergarten!
Silhouette Person 2: She's a genius. She may be only 4, but her IQ is over 200.
*Shugo's head returns to normal*
Shugo: IQ 200?
*Mireille giggles*
Silhouette Person 2: Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ouka.
*silhouette fills in to reveal Ouka*
Shugo: Ou-Ouka-san? The werewolf?
Ouka: Yes. I'm from the college in the city, acting as Mireille's home-school instructor. It's totally different from the image you see in the game. Sorry, Shugo.
Shugo: No, you don't need to--
*Silhouette Person 0 reappears*
Silhouette Person 0: You really are Shugo-san?
Shugo: Who are you?
Silhouette Person 0: I'm Hotaru.
*silhouette fills in to reveal Hotaru*
Shugo: Huh? Hah, you must be joking! You're a guy, aren't you?
Hotaru: Is there...some problem with that?
Shugo: A big problem! First of all, Hotaru-chan is--
Mistral: Ah! Shugo misunderstood!
Ouka: The character Hotaru uses is a male wavemaster.
Shugo: *turns around* Eh, is that right?
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: Of course!
Shugo: *laughs* I had no idea!
(Setting--Downtown Shinjuku, Night, IRL)
Shugo: Hey! Rena! Over here!
Rena: Brother! It's the first time I've met you in real life. I'm Rena, nice to meet you! Welcome to Japan Hotaru! You're exactly the sort of guy I thought you were!
Hotaru: Nice to meet you.
Shugo: You knew too, Rena? That Hotaru-chan was a boy?
Rena: Naturally! Then this is Ouka-san...
Ouka: Yes
Rena: ...and this is Mireille, huh? I thought you were in elementary school, but you're even smaller!
Shugo: You've gathered quite a lot of rare items for your age.
Mistral: I'm superior!
Ouka: The truth is, Mireille's mother used the play The World, and became something of a legend. About half of her stuff was collected by her mother.
Mireille: Don't say that, Ouka!
Ouka: Sorry.
Hotaru: Um, is Sanjuro-san...?
Rena: I got a call from him just a minute ago! I told him where we were, so he should be here soon!
Shugo: That's great, Hotaru.
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: It's our first offline meeting.
*Everyone makes that 'ah' sound*
(Setting--Above Shinjuku, IRL)
Shugo: It does seem to be that way.
Rena: Yeah! Though we unexpectedly gathered in the street...
Hotaru: *The full back of the characters is shown from now on* Ah, Sanjuro-san is over there!
Ouka: Look's like he's carrying a large bag.
Shugo: Master... really was a foreigner!
Rena: Sanjuro-san! Over here!
*Mireille appears also*
All: Sanjuro-san!
Roll Credits!
Minagawa Junko: This is Shugo's actor Minagawa Junko! From UdeDen... dot hack... Playing Shugo was really fun because he's a loveable character... though he is a pretty dumb kid. For this sound drama... the surprising part was how much Shugo doesn't know. He's a true idiot. This one didn't have my favorite part, so... I think I want to say THAT line, and end it. "RENA~~~!" Thanks a lot for watching.
Nakahara Mai: Yes, um, I'm Nakahara Mai as Rena. This DVD was really fun, and I'm glad I could help make it! Well, about the animated version, when I first saw Rena-chan, I thought she was a cute girl, and I think she really likes her brother. Even on the DVD she kept saying "oniichan" a lot. Well, since brother said "Rena~~~!" earlier, I think you want to hear this one too! "Oniichan...daisuki!" (untranslated for your viewing pleasure!)
Yuki Matsuoku: I'm Matsuoku Yuki as Mireille. Um, well, it's been over half a year since I started to play Mireille. A really long time... I think the Mireille in me, uh... tries really hard! Somehow she's just really interesting...she was that sort of character. Well, without that mysterious hat she's just an ordinary person...That hat is weird! I like her because she's really a cute character. And with that, I think I too will... For my last words, um... Since I didn't get to say my line this time, "Let's go! Everyone look ahead! VAK DON!" Thanks!
Yuki Kaida: Hello, I'm Kaida Yuki as Okaka. Oops, I mean I'm Kaida Yuki as Ouka. Dot Hack was great fun! UdeDen was fun! The World was incredibly fun! I sure want to have a party with my friends again. Completly different meaning than on the net though, sorry! Well, I think that I'll end with that line: "Oniichan!"
Ayako Kawasumi: I'm Kawasumi Ayako, as Hotaru. Well, uh, UdeDen was very fun, and this time we found out Hotaru-chan is a boy! Well, I thought since he would say things like "Aah!", but to think he was a guy all along... It was a bit of a shock. But he's an awfully cute kid. It was really fun playing him... Uh, eveyone seems to have these "finishing lines" they said, I didn't really think of one, but... I'm sure there's, er, one somewhere... Ah! I want to do this one! "Everyone, please take care until that time, okay?"
*Nine second pause*
Everyone in character: "DATA DRAIN!"
Well, it's been fun typing this up! Enjoy!
(Setting: Mac Anu-Bridge)
*Shugo's face appears*
Shugo: *Yawns*
*Rena's face appears*
Rena: She's late...
*log in/out sound*
Rena: Ah, the transfer gate is opening!
Shugo: Here she comes!
*Mireille's face appears*
Mireille: The Rare-Hunter of love and courage, Mireille has come to visit!
Shugo: Huh. I thought that it was Hotaru-chan, but it's just Mireille.
Mireille: What do you mean by "huh"?
*Ouka's face appears*
Ouka: Are you disappointed that I'm not Hotaru?
Shugo: Ah, Ouka-san... you came along too?
Ouka: Well, Shugo?
Shugo: Uh, it's not that I'm disappointed, it's...
*Rena's head bumps Ouka's out of the way*
Rena: Brother, [ONIICHAN! sorry, i just can't help it!] there's something coming out of your nose.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Closer to the bridge)
Rena: We promised Hotaru we'd meet her here today. She said she had something to surprise everyone...
Mireille: *Oh......* What could that be?
Shugo: What could be taking Hotaru-chan so long? Is she lost?
Rena: There’s no chance of that; this is where we always meet!
(Setting: Chaos Gate)
*log in/out sound*
Ouka: Look's like she's here.
Rena: Yeah!
Mireille: Yahoo! Hotaru-chi!
Hotaru: G-guys!
Shugo: You're late, Hotaru-chan...
*Hotaru yells out*
Shugo: What?
Hotaru: Please help me! I'm lost! [Hotaru uses watashi...]
*Shugo's face doubles in size*
Everyone: Huh?!
(Setting: Mac Anu--Building)
Rena: What are you saying? You're already here!
Hotaru: Well...Um,er...Right now, outside...
Ouka: Then you're lost in the real world?
Hotaru: That's right! Today I came to Japan for the first time in my life along with Sanjuro-san, but I got seperated from him!
Shugo: Eh? The first time in your life you've been in Japan? With Sanjuro-san?!
Hotaru: I haven't mentioned it before, but I'm not Japanese, I'm American.
*Background changes to an outline of the US with the flag as the middle, and the letters USA in yellow across it*
*Shugo's face zooms in and out*
Shugo: What?! Wait, if you were with Sanjuro-san, that means...
Hotaru: Sanjuro-san is American too!
*Shugo's face zooms in and out*
Shugo: WHA?!
*stays zoomed out/small*
Shugo: N-no way...Master!
Mireille: What are you so surprised about, Shugo?
Rena: Could it be that you didn't notice, Brother?
Ouka: I thought it was painfully obvious.
Shugo: I'm the only one that didn't know?
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Hotaru: Since I wanted to study Japanese, I play The World on the Japan servers.
Mireille: But I'm amazed that you actually came to Japan! Why didn't you tell us sooner?
Hotaru: I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise everyone...
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Rena: What area of Japan are you in? Tokyo?
Hotaru: I....think that's it. I arrived at an airport called Narita and then I got on a train. I fell asleep on the train. When Sanjuro-san woke me up and we got off, there was an unbelieveable amount of people outside!
(Setting--Crowd of people on staircase, IRL)
*Hotaru's head rolls on, and continues to roll back and forth*
Hotaru: Excuse me! Sanjuro-san? Sanjuro-san? Sanjuro-san!
(Setting--A picture of people's feet walking, IRL)
*Hotaru's head continues the rolling*
Hotaru: Sanjuro-san! Sanjuro-san! Sanjuro-saaan!
(Setting--Mac Anu, original bridge)
Hotaru: And just like that I lost Sanjuro-san...Before i realized it, i was on the street outside the station!
Mireille: *weird "eh" thing*
Rena: I see...
Hotaru: I live in a really tiny American city. That was the first time I've seen so many people! I was so surprised and I didn't know what to do, so I walked around, and I found an Internet Cafe where I could play The World...
Ouka: And you're accessing from there right now, Hotaru?
Hotaru: Yes.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another building)
Rena: Do you know where you're staying in Tokyo? Like the name of your hotel?
Hotaru: I'm sorry, I let Sanjuro-san handle all that.
Rena: I see.
Hotaru: I left all my things with Sanjuro-san.
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another Building)
Mireille: All of your things...even your wallet?
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: Then how are you gonna pay to use that cafe?
Hotaru: *Ah!* I've been so careless! I just went in with no money! *Hotaru's head shrinks while fading* What should I do?
Shugo: What's going on?
Ouka: Something troublesome. Tell me the name of the cafe, Hotaru.
Shugo: Ouka-san?
Ouka: I live in Tokyo. I'll go pick up Hotaru.
Mireille: Ah, me too, me too! I live in Tokyo!
Ouka: No! No! Absolutly not, Mireille!
Mireille: Eh, but why?
Ouka: No matter what! No means no!
(Setting: Mac Anu--Another Building)
Hotaru: Um...
Rena: What is it, Hotaru-chan?
Hotaru: I...wonder what the name of this cafe is?
Shugo: That's what we want to know!
Hotaru: I'm so sorry! I went in without looking at the name!
Ouka: It's not impossible.
Rena: Hey, is there anything written on the door?
Hotaru: The door? Please wait a minute. *4 second pause* I've got it! "Toro" is written there!
Shugo: Toro? Like the sword shop?
Hotaru: I think it's Toro...This is read "Toro", right? Um, it's written like this.
(Setting: Sand...)
*Hotaru etches in the sand トロ*
Everyone: *strange noise*
Shugo: That 'to' looks a bit slanted.
Ouka: The first could be read 'to' but...
Rena (i think): [Sand now looks like this: ?ロ] You don't mean...it's "iriguchi"?
*Sand changes to...well, i don't know how to type it, but it's a flipped 'y', or 'to' (ト) turned to the right so that the little stem touches the ground + ロ*
Everyone: AH!
Mireille: Of course it would say Entrance on a door!
Hotaru: I'm sorry! I can't read kanji yet... I can read a bit of hiragana and katakana, but...
Rena: Is there anything else? On the door or the walls or something?
Hotaru: Uh...there's a kanji-like symbol, and....there are some letters here! It looks like a place name. Shibuya?
Shugo: Shibuya? The store's in Shibuya?
Hotaru: Shinjuku...
Shugo: Uh, Shinjuku?
Hotaru: Ikebukuro...
Shugo: Um, Ikebukuro??
Rena: Probably a list of nearby shops.
Shugo: But where is she?!
Hotaru: I don't know!
(Setting--Mac Anu, further away from the bridge)
Ouka: It's getting late. If we hang around too long, Hotaru might be thrown out of the cafe.
Rena, Shugo, Mireille: *that weird 'ah' thing*
Ouka: First, I'll head out there and look for Hotaru. I'm sure it'll be somewhere between those three areas.
(Setting--Mac Anu, yet another building)
Shugo: I'll go too! I can search Shinjuku quickly!
Ouka: Okay. I'm counting on you Shugo. Mireille, you can stay here and try to get more info from Hotaru. Then contact me on my cell.
Mireille: No! I want to look for Hotaru too!
*Ouka's head doubles*
Ouka: How many times do I have to tell you 'no'? You'd just get in my way!
Mireille: You can't stop me! Mama said she'd be late getting back today!
*Ouka's head turns away*
Shugo: Ouka-san and Mireille... you know each other in real life?
Ouka: Something like that.
Mireille: I can just go alone!
(Setting--Mac Anu, another building)
Ouka: Okay, okay. You can help search for Hotaru. But do not go out alone!
Mireille: Got it!
(Setting--Mac Anu, Chaos Gate)
Rena: I'll stay here and get info from Hotaru, and tell you guys! Sanjuro-san might show up too...
Shugo: Yeah, you do that Rena!
Ouka: This is my cell number. Talk to you later! Let's go Mireille!
Mireille: Let's meet up in real life, Hotaru!
Hotaru: Y-yes!
*Ouka, Mireille, and Shugo log out*
(Setting--Shugo's apartment door, IRL)
Shugo: Got my cell and my wallet... Dad said he'd be late today. Better lock the door.
*cell phone rings*
Shugo: Yes?
*Rena's head appears in a purple hexagon*
Rena: Brother, I think Hotaru really is in Shinjuku! She said there was a big tv when she left the station!
Shugo: But there's one in Shibuya too?
Rena: And after, she said there were a whole lot of buildings as tall as Babel!
Shugo: I see. Okay. I'll head to Shinjuku.
Rena: Call me when you get off the train! Good luck, Brother!
Shugo: Leave it to me!
*Rena's head beeps out*
Shugo: What sort of kid is Hotaru-chan, I wonder?
(Setting--Shinjuku, IRL)
*Rena calls again*
Rena: Hello? Brother, did you get to Shinjuku?
Shugo: Yeah. Find out anything, Rena?
Rena: It's terrible! The cafe Hotaru's in closes in 15 minutes!
Shugo: What? Did you find out the name of it?
Rena: No, but I know about where it is! I looked for all the shops that were net-capable. I'll send you an e-mail soon. We're going to check them all, ok?
Shugo: Got it!
Rena: Ouka-san and Mireille are going to the top two on the list. You take the bottom two!
Shugo: Roger!
(Setting--Downtown Shinjuku, IRL)
Shugo: The first one should be right here, but... Huh? That's funny, where is it? *walks around some more* 'Temporarily Closed'?! Don't do that so suddenly! You made me come out here for nothing! *walks again* The second should be around here... Here it is!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, IRL)
Shugo: Coming in... According to Rena's information, Hotaru is about 115cm tall and blonde... I don't see anyone like that... I wonder if she's in the one Ouka-san's searching. I've been holding it for a while, but I think I'll take a bathroom break.
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Bathroom enterance, IRL)
NOTE: If you don't want to be spoiled on the identities of the silhouettes, don't read beyond the word silhouette in that silhouette person's first appearance.
*Shugo runs in, sees a silhouette of a Hotaru-like person*
Shugo: Sorry.
Silhouette Person 0: It's okay.
*As silhouette person 0 is leaving...*
Shugo: Thank you.
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Urinals, IRL)
Shugo: Man, that startled me! I didn't think there was anyone here! And a foreigner at that! He was about my age...*does what sounds like a 'Pretty Gruntie' laugh* Kind of shy for a boy. Wonder what he was up to...
*Various bathroom noises*
Shugo: I feel refreshed!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, Bathroom enterance, IRL)
Shugo: That foreign boy from before... he's looking this way. Now that I see him better, he seems incredibly pretty! Somehow, he's like a girl! Ah, nevermind that. I have to search for Hotaru right now! I don't have time to be hanging around!
(Setting--Inside the Net Cafe, IRL)
*Shugo walks out to find a silhouette of a Mireille-like person waiting for him*
Silhouette Person 1: Ah! Shuuugo! You're Shugo, right?
*A silhouette of a Ouka-like person walks in*
Silhouette Person 2: Hey, cut it out. I'm sorry she suddenly called out to you...
Shugo: Well, I am Shugo, but...
Silhouette Person 1: I knew it!
*silhouette fills in to reveal Mireille*
Mireille: It's me! Mireille!
*3 second pause*
*Shugo's head becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, then Zooms in and out*
Shugo: B-but! You look too young to even be in kindergarten!
Silhouette Person 2: She's a genius. She may be only 4, but her IQ is over 200.
*Shugo's head returns to normal*
Shugo: IQ 200?
*Mireille giggles*
Silhouette Person 2: Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ouka.
*silhouette fills in to reveal Ouka*
Shugo: Ou-Ouka-san? The werewolf?
Ouka: Yes. I'm from the college in the city, acting as Mireille's home-school instructor. It's totally different from the image you see in the game. Sorry, Shugo.
Shugo: No, you don't need to--
*Silhouette Person 0 reappears*
Silhouette Person 0: You really are Shugo-san?
Shugo: Who are you?
Silhouette Person 0: I'm Hotaru.
*silhouette fills in to reveal Hotaru*
Shugo: Huh? Hah, you must be joking! You're a guy, aren't you?
Hotaru: Is there...some problem with that?
Shugo: A big problem! First of all, Hotaru-chan is--
Mistral: Ah! Shugo misunderstood!
Ouka: The character Hotaru uses is a male wavemaster.
Shugo: *turns around* Eh, is that right?
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: Of course!
Shugo: *laughs* I had no idea!
(Setting--Downtown Shinjuku, Night, IRL)
Shugo: Hey! Rena! Over here!
Rena: Brother! It's the first time I've met you in real life. I'm Rena, nice to meet you! Welcome to Japan Hotaru! You're exactly the sort of guy I thought you were!
Hotaru: Nice to meet you.
Shugo: You knew too, Rena? That Hotaru-chan was a boy?
Rena: Naturally! Then this is Ouka-san...
Ouka: Yes
Rena: ...and this is Mireille, huh? I thought you were in elementary school, but you're even smaller!
Shugo: You've gathered quite a lot of rare items for your age.
Mistral: I'm superior!
Ouka: The truth is, Mireille's mother used the play The World, and became something of a legend. About half of her stuff was collected by her mother.
Mireille: Don't say that, Ouka!
Ouka: Sorry.
Hotaru: Um, is Sanjuro-san...?
Rena: I got a call from him just a minute ago! I told him where we were, so he should be here soon!
Shugo: That's great, Hotaru.
Hotaru: Yes.
Mireille: It's our first offline meeting.
*Everyone makes that 'ah' sound*
(Setting--Above Shinjuku, IRL)
Shugo: It does seem to be that way.
Rena: Yeah! Though we unexpectedly gathered in the street...
Hotaru: *The full back of the characters is shown from now on* Ah, Sanjuro-san is over there!
Ouka: Look's like he's carrying a large bag.
Shugo: Master... really was a foreigner!
Rena: Sanjuro-san! Over here!
*Mireille appears also*
All: Sanjuro-san!
Roll Credits!
Minagawa Junko: This is Shugo's actor Minagawa Junko! From UdeDen... dot hack... Playing Shugo was really fun because he's a loveable character... though he is a pretty dumb kid. For this sound drama... the surprising part was how much Shugo doesn't know. He's a true idiot. This one didn't have my favorite part, so... I think I want to say THAT line, and end it. "RENA~~~!" Thanks a lot for watching.
Nakahara Mai: Yes, um, I'm Nakahara Mai as Rena. This DVD was really fun, and I'm glad I could help make it! Well, about the animated version, when I first saw Rena-chan, I thought she was a cute girl, and I think she really likes her brother. Even on the DVD she kept saying "oniichan" a lot. Well, since brother said "Rena~~~!" earlier, I think you want to hear this one too! "Oniichan...daisuki!" (untranslated for your viewing pleasure!)
Yuki Matsuoku: I'm Matsuoku Yuki as Mireille. Um, well, it's been over half a year since I started to play Mireille. A really long time... I think the Mireille in me, uh... tries really hard! Somehow she's just really interesting...she was that sort of character. Well, without that mysterious hat she's just an ordinary person...That hat is weird! I like her because she's really a cute character. And with that, I think I too will... For my last words, um... Since I didn't get to say my line this time, "Let's go! Everyone look ahead! VAK DON!" Thanks!
Yuki Kaida: Hello, I'm Kaida Yuki as Okaka. Oops, I mean I'm Kaida Yuki as Ouka. Dot Hack was great fun! UdeDen was fun! The World was incredibly fun! I sure want to have a party with my friends again. Completly different meaning than on the net though, sorry! Well, I think that I'll end with that line: "Oniichan!"
Ayako Kawasumi: I'm Kawasumi Ayako, as Hotaru. Well, uh, UdeDen was very fun, and this time we found out Hotaru-chan is a boy! Well, I thought since he would say things like "Aah!", but to think he was a guy all along... It was a bit of a shock. But he's an awfully cute kid. It was really fun playing him... Uh, eveyone seems to have these "finishing lines" they said, I didn't really think of one, but... I'm sure there's, er, one somewhere... Ah! I want to do this one! "Everyone, please take care until that time, okay?"
*Nine second pause*
Everyone in character: "DATA DRAIN!"
Well, it's been fun typing this up! Enjoy!
Last edited by thedudewhosadude on Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
bad, bad Hotaru lol
this is especially funny because i know japanese XD and Hotaru's in for a shock when she meets Ouka IRL (won't spoil it) Ouka likewise XD anyway, is this based on the manga or the anime? if the manga, you should squeeze in Zelphi, she can be all like "what's an Internet Cafe?" and when people don't want to tell her because they dont want to embarrass Hotaru, she grabs Rena by the neck and threatens to give her the "fro of doom" "tell me or Rena gets it!" XD if anime, Aura and Moruti should interrupt to complicate things, like have the two run in anfd Moruti keeps trying to DD her, but hits Hotaru XD

- thedudewhosadude
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- Joined: Fri May 02, 2003 8:13 pm
w00t! I'm done! I combined all three posts into my first one!
Last edited by thedudewhosadude on Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
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- Player Character
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- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 7:33 pm
no (but of course, I'm just assuming this is a fan site0101 Data Bug 0101 wrote:AWSOME >=) Im gona "search" for it on my coughcoughkazzacoughcough and see if I can find it
By the way: Is dothack.info directlly releated to the offical website ^^:;;

*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)

(The name is ENDER!!!!)

more exactly, it's a DramaCD converted in a video by this team. They created a complet new video from nothing. A very good work !Bear wrote:It's apparently an extra mini-episode from the Japanese .hack//Dusk release.0101 Data Bug 0101 wrote:Uhh, yeah im confused, if this is fanfic why isnt it in the other form? And.. If its not, what episode # is this? or is it form the manga? (what # from manga then)

In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen
hahahaha...Duskino wrote:o_o ...
X__x I still refuse to believe Hotaru's a boooyyy *flail*
I don't want to believe it either... but there it is. So, in relation to the real story, how accuate does CC2 consider these Radio Dramas to be. Is it a parody like //GIFT or is it fact ? It was a good read, but I'd rather have an episode that explains the ending of episode 12...

Lycoris: What is the name of your spear?
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.
- thedudewhosadude
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- Posts: 1462
- Joined: Fri May 02, 2003 8:13 pm
The anime isn't canon? Since when? Well, actually, it depends on which definition of 'canon' you're using. Also, I'd think that the video is a credible source, as it was officialy produced, and they basically flat-out said that Hotaru is a boy. Also, they somewhat hint towards what Ouka looks like IRL, which is accurate. If they're accurate with Ouka's RL self, then i don't see why they'd joke about Hotaru. Xeno: The ending of episode 12? You know that there was a little tid bit after the credits, right? Then again, that little tid bit added some more confusion....
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.