(Episode 1 Will be comming soon)
Episode 2
The World
The camera zooms in onto the world showing Lord Balmung helping a administer set out the map for the "Cherry Blossom Festivlle". Balmung asks her to move a few tree's around to be able to see a few behind them.
The camera transfers to Reki which is aproaching Lord Balmung. Reki explains to Balmung that there was no sighting of Super Shogun (monster) in that area before.
Flashback - The World
Balmung Slashing Super Shogun (also know as Yori General in the japenese fansub) but as soon as it's slashed, it turns into a data corrpution and heals itself
Balmung asks Reki to gather more information about this topic, as they both head out to go to the Cherry Blossom Festivlle.
Real World
You see Shugo talking to his dad that apparently works at an office. Shugo asks him he if is staying yet his dad replys no. Shugo seems disturbed that he's working so late, but he let's him leave without resitation. Shugo walks over to his computer and picks up his VR Helmet and says a few words of incouragement before loging into the world.
The World
Shugo gates in and starts walking woundering where her sister is, as Rena suddenly jumps out at shugo from behind a corner and starts yelling at him. She exlames that he is late and scolds him. Mirayu waves to shugo out behind a corner. Rena, who is allready fed up, grabs Shugos hand and uses a Speed Charm to quickly run away from Mirayu as she screams to them that its not wise to use a Speed Charm there.
As Rena and Shugo start to walk down the ally way they come acrost an "Event Board". Shugo asks rena what it says, Rena says that they need to go to the Specified Area to make some "Cherry Blossoms" bloom. Rena reads the last of the message to find out it would be hard without a Wavemaster to make the cherry blossoms bloom. Mirayu pushes in and declares herself a Wavemaster.
They decide to set out to the Specified Area insearch of the Cherry Blossom Trees.
They gate in to the Specified Area to see that no one has deered the tree's yet. They walk over to one and Mirayu casts a variety of spells, yet none of them seem to have any effect on the tree, the last one she casts "Storm" gets them all soaked and Mirayu runs off to see if they need a "Special Item" for the event.Shugo says that he is happy that he can spend time with Rena now in The World.
Flashback - Real World
A boy and a girl are playing next to the cherry blosoms when there parents tell them to hurry up to the picknick towel, the two kids run to there parents, but the boy falls.
The World
The camera zooms to Lord Balmung where he is drinking Wine.
Balmung is just relaxing when Reki walks up and reports to him that he shouldnt be here at his own event. Balmung just shakes it off as a simple compliment. Lord Balmung asks Reki to administer this event while he sits and relaxes with his Sake. Balmung looks over at the .hack characters, and whispers that they have finally returned to this world
The camera moves to Shugo where he glances at a dog infront of him. He runs over and starts kissing and huging the dog and asking it to do tricks (Cut: The dog runs over to Rena and jumps on her brest plate)
Lord Balmung walks up to Shugo and team and congradulates them on winning the .hack avatars. Balmung and Shugo start to talk about the bracelet when Mirayu runs up and says that she remembers something from a storybook about there being skeletons under the Sacrid Sakura Tree's. Mirayu starts diging hopeing to find something. She gets her wish when she finds bones and they fuse toether to form a Bone Fighter. Mirayu jumps in fear. The camera zooms back to Balmung,Shugo, and co. where they hear Mirayu scream.
The Bone Fighter is running though the forest chasing after Mirayu when Shugo and Rena popup to see whats going on when they are ran over by both the Bone Fighter and Mirayu. (Some Tooth Loss goes on) Balmung jumps in to the fight and casts "Bakuron Sword"(A sort of spell where the users sword is engulfed in flames) in an attempt to slay the monster, but the monster just regenerates and continues attacking.
Reki shows up and asks Balmung if this was his crazy idea, but Balmung says that it is not. They are both confused about why this is happoning to the game. Balmung yells at Reki to evacuate the area, but then the Skull Warriors starts attacking Shugo. Shugo and Rena run away but at that intstant Rena trips on the Bone Fighter sword and falls.
Shugo jumps in to help (after some Shugo! Rena! talk) and Data Drains the monster, effecting all of the PCs and Monsters in the area. Mirayu jumps in and casts a Blaze spell a few times, but the spells do not seem to appear. A voice tells Shugo and Rena to run and it turns out Ouka transforms into a Werewolf and starts attacking the Bone Fighter with no mercy, Mirayu exclames that she is friends with Ouka. Ouka slays the monster without barly trying. The spells take effect at this instant and char the Cherry Trees. Rena, Shugo, Mirayu, and Ouka walk over to the chared trees and start to go into a dispare that they will never win the contest.
Shugo jumps in and takes a handfull of the ashes and explains that the old tale of "something" says that when ashes of the cherry tree are spread around, they provide healing powers (or something along those lines). Shugo scatters the ashes around a tree as the tree comes back to life, cherry blossoms and all. Mirayu jumps in and casts Wind which scattes the ashes to all of the tree's. All of the tree's start blooming. Shugo and co are amazed at this and a treasure chest appears.
Mirayu jumps at the chance for a rare item, yet Ouka says that Shugo really deserves it. Shugo opens the chest and receaves a collar.
Shugo is in disquist that he can get such a worthless item, but Ouka takes it and puts it on, Shugo is arrowsed by this idea. (as he blushes)
Rena tells Shugo to come and make dinner. Shugo obays and gates out.
Real World
Shugo is seen making pizza in the oven, when the scene fades out as a *ping* can be heard from the oven.
Episode 2
Hotaru is at MacAnu. sitting near the edge of the water looking at something.. gazeing.. A "Old Friend" of Tsukasa, I will name her Mimi(just a name so I dont have to refer to to "That Girl" (The Mimiru looking girl that was shown in sign, also with a sick grunty) shows up. She approaches Hotaru and starts talking to her. Mimi says she is going away on a trip for around 3 days. Mimi asks Hotaru to look after her baby grunty. The grunry slowly walks up to her with increasing speed and jumps into Hotaru's arms.
The scene then changes to Mirelle, Ouka, Rena, and Shuugo. Mirelle is showing her 'secret room' to Shuugo and Rena. Ouka says that the room is a rare item, and Mirelle says she wants to have Shuugo's bracelet for herself. Rena gets annoyed and wants to leave, but Mirelle persuades her to stay, by promising she wouldn't ask to have Shuugo's bracelet again. Mirelle shows Shuugo and Rena the inside of the room; she has all kinds of rare items on the walls and in boxes. Mirelle states that the bracelet must be very high leveled. Rena asks how she knows, and Mirelle then takes out a box of rare bracelets, and explains that the stronger the item, the better it's quality, and that Shuugo's bracelet is the highest level braclet item of all. Mirelle looks at Shuugo's bracelet with awe, and then Rena once again get annoyed with her for coveting the bracelet. Shuugo then has a flashback to the previous episode when he used the data drain skill on the skeleton monster, and everyone in the current field was affected. Ouka explains that the accident was Shuugo's fault because his level was too low to control such a strong item. Rena then suggests a 'training mission' for Shuugo.
The four players warp to a moderately high level field. Ouka, Rena, and Mirelle rush ahead to fight the Squalla Demons in the field. Shuugo doesn't understand why the three of them are fighting, when he's the one who needs training. The three girls make quick work of the monsters, and Shuugo levels up. Rena explains that even if Shuugo doesn't fight, he still earns experence for being part of the party.
Balmung and Reki are talking in a bamboo forest type field. Reki had seeked help from the Sys. Admins about a certain issue but they did not wish to give any information. Reki asks Balmung about the field they are in and wherther it realated to an event. Balmung explains that 'pandas' are found in a bamboo forest, and in Japanese "panda" means "it's bread."
The four players are in a grassy type field fighting a moth-like monster. Shuugo is on the hill above, overlooking the field, and swinging his blades around in a newbie-like fashion. The moth is defeated, and Shuugo levels up.
This time the players are in a desert type field, fighting a snake monster. Ouka weakens the monster, while Mirelle finishes it off with "Vak Don." Shuugo once again, levels up.
The scene changes again to a jungle field, the party is fighting a ghost monster. The party defeats the monster with ease, Shuugo levels up, and says that he's getting alot stronger. However, the rest of the party doesn't seem to be paying attention, and continues to talk about themselves.
The party enters the dungeon of the field, and Rena mentions that Shuugo has gotten stronger, but Shuugo has a long way to go before he reaches Ouka's level. Shuugo states that Rena has a long way to go as well. Ouka says to Shuugo that Rena's level is higher then his, though Shuugo and Rena had started the game at the same time. Rena addmits that she had been training secretly behind his back. Shuugo dismisses her as being 'sneaky.' Shuugo sees a treasure chest, and rushes to open it, Rena tries to stop him, but the chest had allready exploded in his face. Rena mentions that it was a 'trap treasure chest,' and said that he leveled back down to level one. Shuugo gets frusterated and warps out of the dungeon.
We then see Shuugo at Mac Anu sitting beside the river just as Hotaru was before, he is wondering why Aura gave him the bracelet. Hotaru is also sitting by the river with her sick Grunty. Shuugo looks over, and asks if her pet is sick. Hotaru says yes, and they both go to the Grunty farm for help. The NPC at the Grunty farm tells them that the Grunty has the 'Grunty Flu', and that the only cure is a 'Phonix Feather' found in the dungeon of Blazing Pergatory Valley; It's a high level area with strong monsters. Shuugo doesn't seem to be worried, and tries to contact his friends. No one answers, so Shuugo and Hotaru would have to make the jouney alone.
Shuugo and Hotaru warp to Blazing Pergatory Valley at the Chaos Gate in Mac Anu. When they arive, we see that it is indeed a desonate place. Shuugo takes out a 'Fairy's Orb' to display the monster portals, and tells Hotaru that that's how they would avoid the strong monsters. He also takes out a 'Speed Charm' to get away in case they ran into a monster. The two players walk past a portal without setting it off, but then Shuugo sees what he thinks to be a "puppy" and foolishly runs ahead.
It turns out that it's not a puppy, but a dog monster, and not only one. Shuugo and Hotaru barely escpape, and come to a cliff with gargoyle faces on the cliff wall. Shuugo and Hotaru climb up the cliff on a vine, then the gargoyle eye's open to look at Hotaru and Shuugo, and start laughing, this scares Hotaru, and she climbs in a hurry up the cliff; Shuugo soon follows. They arive at the dungeon doorway.
The two players enter the dungeon, dodging portals as they go. They then come to a staircase, trying not to set off the portal, but Shuugo trips and looses a tooth. Hotaru accedentally sets off a portal in another room, and screams. Shuugo runs to her, only to set off another portal, they are now being chased by two crab monsters, and run to a different room to escpape, but it's a dead end, and the two players have set off yet another portal. Shuugo says that they'll have to give up, but Hotaru says that they can't, or the Grunty will die. Hotaru then tries to reason with the monster. Just as it's about to attack, Shuugo uses Data Drain, and kills the data drained version of the monster. Sanjuro shows up, then kills the remaining monsters. He mistakes Shuugo for Kite, and asks him what he's doing in such a low level dungeon. Shuugo explains how he won the character contest. Sanjuro comments that CCcorp is being generous. The party gets to the Gott Statue, and retrevies the Phonix Feather.
Hotaru gives the feather to the Grunty back in town, and it recovers. It seems to like Hotaru. The original Grunty owner comes back for her Grunty, but instead it refuses to go back to her. The girl admits that she thought it was sick when she gave it away. Sanjuro tells her that she isn't qualified to be called an 'owner' because of this. The girl retorts that it's "just a Grunty" Shuugo had to do a lot for the Grunty, and gets mad that she's dismissing it. Rena, Ouka, and Mirelle soon arive, and (beat up?) the girl off scene.
Meanwhile, Sanjuro and Balmung are talking in an alley. Sanjuro congradulates Balmung on becoming a Sys. Admin. Balmung says he's not happy about it; he asks Sanjuro to start training Shuugo; he says that he may be the 'key' to solving the mysteries of "The World."
* I am going away on vacation and camp for the next too weeks (SORRY Its been hecktic around here, im never this busy, its just that everythings cramed right now)
.hack//Dusk Episode Summaries (Currently on Episode: 3)
Moderators: Sora, Balmung, Bear, Kite
- Player Character
- Posts: 235
- Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 7:33 pm
.hack//Dusk Episode Summaries (Currently on Episode: 3)
Last edited by Flame Sage on Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Grunty Farming List:
Noble Grunty: 5
If you could attack gruntys, I would have slaughtered all Noble Grunty's from the planet!
Noble Grunty: 5
If you could attack gruntys, I would have slaughtered all Noble Grunty's from the planet!
Re: .hack//Dusk Episode Summaries (Currently on Episode: 3)
Can do.Flame Sage wrote:I need someone to write a review for episode 3 cuz im way too busy
Episode 3
The scene then changes to Mirelle, Ouka, Rena, and Shuugo. Mirelle is showing her 'secret room' to Shuugo and Rena. Ouka says that the room is a rare item, and Mirelle says she wants to have Shuugo's bracelet for herself. Rena gets annoyed and wants to leave, but Mirelle persuades her to stay, by promising she wouldn't ask to have Shuugo's bracelet again. Mirelle shows Shuugo and Rena the inside of the room; she has all kinds of rare items on the walls and in boxes. Mirelle states that the bracelet must be very high leveled. Rena asks how she knows, and Mirelle then takes out a box of rare bracelets, and explains that the stronger the item, the better it's quality, and that Shuugo's bracelet is the highest level braclet item of all. Mirelle looks at Shuugo's bracelet with awe, and then Rena once again get annoyed with her for coveting the bracelet. Shuugo then has a flashback to the previous episode when he used the data drain skill on the skeleton monster, and everyone in the current field was affected. Ouka explains that the accident was Shuugo's fault because his level was too low to control such a strong item. Rena then suggests a 'training mission' for Shuugo.Flame Sage wrote:Hotaru is at MacAnu. sitting near the edge of the water looking at something.. gazeing.. A "Old Friend" of Tsukasa, I will name her Mimi(just a name so I dont have to refer to to "That Girl" (The Mimiru looking girl that was shown in sign, also with a sick grunty) shows up. She approaches Hotaru and starts talking to her. Mimi says she is going away on a trip for around 3 days. Mimi asks Hotaru to look after her baby grunty. The grunry slowly walks up to her with increasing speed and jumps into Hotaru's arms.
The four players warp to a moderately high level field. Ouka, Rena, and Mirelle rush ahead to fight the Squalla Demons in the field. Shuugo doesn't understand why the three of them are fighting, when he's the one who needs training. The three girls make quick work of the monsters, and Shuugo levels up. Rena explains that even if Shuugo doesn't fight, he still earns experence for being part of the party.
Balmung and Reki are talking in a bamboo forest type field. Reki had seeked help from the Sys. Admins about a certain issue but they did not wish to give any information. Reki asks Balmung about the field they are in and wherther it realated to an event. Balmung explains that 'pandas' are found in a bamboo forest, and in Japanese "panda" means "it's bread."
The four players are in a grassy type field fighting a moth-like monster. Shuugo is on the hill above, overlooking the field, and swinging his blades around in a newbie-like fashion. The moth is defeated, and Shuugo levels up.
This time the players are in a desert type field, fighting a snake monster. Ouka weakens the monster, while Mirelle finishes it off with "Vak Don." Shuugo once again, levels up.
The scene changes again to a jungle field, the party is fighting a ghost monster. The party defeats the monster with ease, Shuugo levels up, and says that he's getting alot stronger. However, the rest of the party doesn't seem to be paying attention, and continues to talk about themselves.
The party enters the dungeon of the field, and Rena mentions that Shuugo has gotten stronger, but Shuugo has a long way to go before he reaches Ouka's level. Shuugo states that Rena has a long way to go as well. Ouka says to Shuugo that Rena's level is higher then his, though Shuugo and Rena had started the game at the same time. Rena addmits that she had been training secretly behind his back. Shuugo dismisses her as being 'sneaky.' Shuugo sees a treasure chest, and rushes to open it, Rena tries to stop him, but the chest had allready exploded in his face. Rena mentions that it was a 'trap treasure chest,' and said that he leveled back down to level one. Shuugo gets frusterated and warps out of the dungeon.
We then see Shuugo at Mac Anu sitting beside the river just as Hotaru was before, he is wondering why Aura gave him the bracelet. Hotaru is also sitting by the river with her sick Grunty. Shuugo looks over, and asks if her pet is sick. Hotaru says yes, and they both go to the Grunty farm for help. The NPC at the Grunty farm tells them that the Grunty has the 'Grunty Flu', and that the only cure is a 'Phonix Feather' found in the dungeon of Blazing Pergatory Valley; It's a high level area with strong monsters. Shuugo doesn't seem to be worried, and tries to contact his friends. No one answers, so Shuugo and Hotaru would have to make the jouney alone.
Shuugo and Hotaru warp to Blazing Pergatory Valley at the Chaos Gate in Mac Anu. When they arive, we see that it is indeed a desonate place. Shuugo takes out a 'Fairy's Orb' to display the monster portals, and tells Hotaru that that's how they would avoid the strong monsters. He also takes out a 'Speed Charm' to get away in case they ran into a monster. The two players walk past a portal without setting it off, but then Shuugo sees what he thinks to be a "puppy" and foolishly runs ahead.
It turns out that it's not a puppy, but a dog monster, and not only one. Shuugo and Hotaru barely escpape, and come to a cliff with gargoyle faces on the cliff wall. Shuugo and Hotaru climb up the cliff on a vine, then the gargoyle eye's open to look at Hotaru and Shuugo, and start laughing, this scares Hotaru, and she climbs in a hurry up the cliff; Shuugo soon follows. They arive at the dungeon doorway.
The two players enter the dungeon, dodging portals as they go. They then come to a staircase, trying not to set off the portal, but Shuugo trips and looses a tooth. Hotaru accedentally sets off a portal in another room, and screams. Shuugo runs to her, only to set off another portal, they are now being chased by two crab monsters, and run to a different room to escpape, but it's a dead end, and the two players have set off yet another portal. Shuugo says that they'll have to give up, but Hotaru says that they can't, or the Grunty will die. Hotaru then tries to reason with the monster. Just as it's about to attack, Shuugo uses Data Drain, and kills the data drained version of the monster. Sanjuro shows up, then kills the remaining monsters. He mistakes Shuugo for Kite, and asks him what he's doing in such a low level dungeon. Shuugo explains how he won the character contest. Sanjuro comments that CCcorp is being generous. The party gets to the Gott Statue, and retrevies the Phonix Feather.
Hotaru gives the feather to the Grunty back in town, and it recovers. It seems to like Hotaru. The original Grunty owner comes back for her Grunty, but instead it refuses to go back to her. The girl admits that she thought it was sick when she gave it away. Sanjuro tells her that she isn't qualified to be called an 'owner' because of this. The girl retorts that it's "just a Grunty" Shuugo had to do a lot for the Grunty, and gets mad that she's dismissing it. Rena, Ouka, and Mirelle soon arive, and (beat up?) the girl off scene.
Meanwhile, Sanjuro and Balmung are talking in an alley. Sanjuro congradulates Balmung on becoming a Sys. Admin. Balmung says he's not happy about it; he asks Sanjuro to start training Shuugo; he says that he may be the 'key' to solving the mysteries of "The World."
Edit:Maifun Noodle, there's only one keyword conbination in episode three, Blazing Pergatory Valley
Last edited by mannshjj on Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:46 am, edited 3 times in total.

- MaifunNoodle
- Lowbie
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:53 pm
oi~ mannshjj (or anybody who does recap...) could you post any keywords you come across? maybe at the bottom or something...thanks
"Cry 'HAVOC' and let slip the dogs of war"
"My head is nauseous-nyo!"
"You cannot stop me. You cannot destroy me. For I am the cockroach of love."
Folk, don' t rely on me, for i have crappy subs...
"My head is nauseous-nyo!"
"You cannot stop me. You cannot destroy me. For I am the cockroach of love."
Folk, don' t rely on me, for i have crappy subs...