Remember the office lady from Ep.3 that everyone was just referring to as "Office Lady/Helba (which she is not >.>)"? Well, by checking the card list of .hack//ENEMY, I discovered this card:
So, just as a final closing to the whole "Who is she?" issue that was oh so common ever so long ago. Also, now we know her first name ^-^.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
Might be a tad irrelevent, but I seriously can't see how she could be Helba. (In my opinion, it's just a bit too coincidental.)
But I agree, nice find. Been wondering what her name was for a while. I have yet to even -touch- .hack//ENEMY, and I'm much too lazy to learn card games (nobody plays ENEMY anyway. Just Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic. 9.9; ).
I've seen .hack//ENEMY in stores, but none of my friends nor neighbors play it. What's the point of having cards if you're not gonna play with them, unless you want to stare at the prettyness of it.
O___O That's Helba? OMFG I would never of imagined that she'd look like that.
Yeah, once someone posts after you, you won't be able to delete it. You can, however, edit it. Anyway, in .hack//Liminality 2, there was this mysterious Office Lady who seemed to know more than just an average office lady should. She also had the voice actress of Helba, which made many people assume that she was indeed Helba. In the credits, there was only one stray name, "Asaba" which was then adopted as her name. It wasn't known, until now, what her true name was.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
thedudewhosadude wrote: She also had the voice actress of Helba, which made many people assume that she was indeed Helba.
Which is a stupid reason why to assume so. Bandai reuses the same voice actors over and over and over. It shouldn't be strange for two characters to have similar voices.
Eggplant of the Twilight wrote:Anyway, what's great about that is that that's Bandai's official name. (They're not allowed to make up names, unless Bandai says it's okay)
Not to sound doubtful, but where exactly did you hear that? Even the Japanese and American official names don't match up. In France Bandai's official name for Blackrose is like "Rosa Noir", I believe (according to .hack//The World 3). Even in just Japan the official romanizations don't match up all the time. Let alone the fact this isn't directly made by them...
I also need to ask how knowing her first name means she isn't Helba... Does Helba not have a real name or something? I mean, I knew it was unlikely to begin with, but I don't see how this helps. ^^; I always thought the more curious character in that ep was Yuki's sister, who's married and looks suspiciously like Mistral... ^^;
The .hack//Enemy website's commentary on Asaba was that they asked Bandai what her full name was for their Liminality booster, and Bandai responded with that. It's possible that they weren't telling the truth, but considering how closely Bandai manages UpperDeck when it comes to .hack//Enemy so as to not spread any fallacies, I figure it's probably true.
I think it's in the Encyclopedia that she's not Helba... *shrugs* There's a source that comments on it, but I don't recall what it is. It'd be nice if one of the members who's more "in the know" were here...
I'm the missing Twilight item, Eggplant of the Twilight.
Yeah, I agree that the probably wouldn't be lying if they said that, but I still don't get how knowing the name means she isn't Helba. I don't know about the card game, but Encyclopedia .hack (which is fanmade and doesn't contain "new" official info btw) says that because of her personality, there are theories that she could be Helba or BT. Nothing else on the topic. I'm fairly certain Analysis said nothing about it, but I don't have that with me so I can't check.