Cossack Leader

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Cossack Leader
Cossack Leader
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Occasionally what the other player characters have to say will change after progressing through the story.

Greeting Hah! The patrol today feels great!
Farewell Yessir! Nothing else to report, sir!
Game Start
Oi, I love to dance. You know, like cossack dancing.
Hah! I've taken it upon myself to take patrols to make this game safe.
Oi, I want to become strong like the Crimson Knight!
θ Cursed Despaired Paradise
Oi, there's a weird player where I'm stationed... I never want to be like that. He really should learn a thing or two from Orca...
Oi! What the...?! There's a rock in my burger!!
Hah! My goal is to become a player like Orca!
After Game Clear
Game Start
Oi, the server didn't crash in the meeting room. It crashed in "The World."
Oi! Cable modems are over the legal speed limit. All users will be arrested! I'm still using dial-up...
Hah! Even the server crashing can't keep me from my patrol...

θ Soaring Sky Bounded Abyss

Hah! I'm looking for individual in a sexual harrassment case! The individual keeps talking about priestesses! If you find him, tell me!
Hah! I've expanded my patrol now that Lambda server is open.
Hah! Carmina Gadelica is a city at night, so I must be more careful! Kids shouldn't play at night! And no drinks for adults either!

Λ Merciless Grieving Furnace

Hah! I would love to arrest the one responsible for the server problems, but... I was unable to gain anything after three days of questionings. It is very dissapointing.
Hah! I caught the individual that has been harassing others, and cancelled his account! Sexual harassment is a serious crime! You should be careful too
Hah! Are all the server problems a warning?
OUTBREAK[3] Back in the day... hah! I was just remembering the old days when I was on patrol!
Hah! Yasu needs to get his act together! He has a family!
Hah! I can't believe hackers were behind this!
Hah! It's rather boring when nothing happens. You, do something. Then I can arrest you.
Hah! Strange! The same old town appears to be different for some reason.
Hah! How's that! I've got belts in karate, judo, and kenpo. I'm a fighter!

Other Appearances



Similar Character Model



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Infection NPC Script, Lindz's .hack//Archives
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mutation NPC Script, Lindz's .hack//Archives
  3. Outbreak NPC Script, Lindz's .hack//Archives
  4. Quarantine NPC Script, Lindz's .hack//Archives