Grunty Food (Games Tetralogy)

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Grunty Food
Image Japanese English Clue
トーチューカソー Cordyceps Near a large statue of Buddha
ヘビグソミント Grunt Mints Near a very hot square face
ラ・パンプキン La Pumpkin Near a huge cocoon
マンドラゴルァ Mandragora Near pointed towers
マジックキノコ Mushroom In the shadow of mushroom boulders
モウダメロン Oh No Melon Near barnacles
ナップルアップル Piney Apple Deep in the green forest
カブカブ Root Vegetable By a wall at end of the labyrinth
サボヘビテン Snaky Cactus Near ribs that were once an ocean
オニオンナイツ Twilight Onion Near a very strange old weapon
ホワイトチェリー White Cherry Near a very cold pillar
熊猫の卵 Bear Cat Egg Deep in a very fancy gallery
血染めの卵 Bloody Egg In stomach of a very scary monster
金の卵 Golden Egg A few grow inside an important story
未完の卵 Immature Egg Deep in a very dark labyrinth
未だ見ぬ卵 Invisible Egg Inside a very deep cave
