Keywords (Games Tetralogy)

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In The World, players use Chaos Gates to access fields. These fields are accessed by inputting a field name, which is made up of 3 Keywords. The field's parameters are affected by each keyword's unique properties, alongside which server the field is accessed from. Keywords affect the type of field, attributes such as scenery objects and altitude, as well as monster types, number of portals, and whether or not there are roaming enemies.


Players start with a basic list of keywords. As they progress through the story of the Games Tetralogy more keywords will be acquired. Because of this, not all combinations are initially accessible.
In-game, players can acquire additional field addresses from speaking to other players, reading the BBS, and E-mail.

Hidden Keywords

Main articles: Hidden Keywords (Games Tetralogy)
There are also "Hidden" area keywords that can be found outside of regular gameplay. Some methods of finding these keywords include other .hack media, Advertisements, and merchandise packaging.

Keywords by Volume


Main articles: Keywords (Infection)
Main articles: Hidden Keywords (Infection)

At the end of the game, players can have unlocked a maximum of 29 Part A Keywords, 28 Part B keywords, and 28 Part C keywords. This means there are 22,736 possible keyword combinations for each server. As there are two accessible servers in this game (Δ and θ), there are 45,472 possible fields accessible in INFECTION.


Main articles: Keywords (Mutation)
Main articles: Hidden Keywords (Mutation)

At the end of the game, players can have unlocked an additional 25 Part A Keywords, 25 Part B keywords, and 26 Part C keywords. This brings the total to 54 Part A Keywords, 53 Part B keywords, and 54 Part C keywords. This means that each server has 154,548 possible keyword combinations. As there are three accessible servers in this game (Δ, Θ, and Λ), this means there are 463,644 possible fields accessible in MUTATION.


Main articles: Keywords (Outbreak)
Main articles: Hidden Keywords (Outbreak)

At the end of the game, players can have unlocked an additional 22 Part A Keywords, 24 Part B keywords, and 26 Part C keywords. This brings the total to 76 Part A Keywords, 77 Part B keywords, and 80 Part C keywords. This means that each server has 468,160 possible keyword combinations. As there are four accessible servers in this game (Δ, Θ, Λ, and Σ), this means there are 1,872,640 possible fields accessible in OUTBREAK.


Main articles: Keywords (Quarantine)
Main articles: Hidden Keywords (Quarantine)

At the end of the game, players can have unlocked an additional 24 Part A Keywords, 26 Part B keywords, and 25 Part C keywords. This brings the total to 100 Part A Keywords, 103 Part B keywords, and 105 Part C keywords. This means that each server has 1,081,500 possible keyword combinations. Considering there are five accessible servers (Δ, Θ, Λ, Σ, and Ω), this means there are 5,407,500 possible fields accessible in QUARANTINE.

Full List of Keywords

Part A
English Japanese
Bursting 萌え立つ
Hidden 隠されし
Expansive 茫漠たる
Boundless 果てなき
Closed 閉ざされし
Quiet 静穏なる
Plenteous 豊稂なる
Collapsed 瓦解せる
Cursed 呪われし
Buried 埋もれし
Lonely 孤立せる
Great 大いなる
Chosen 選ばれし
Soaring Sky 空疎なる
Dolorous 哀切なる
Nameless 名もなき
Resurrecting 蘇生する
Merciless 容赦なき
Dying 滅びゆく
Dazzling まばゆき
Blooming 花開く
Scattering 散逸する
Pulsating 脈動する
Chatting 談実する
Tested 試されし
Turbulent 逆巻ける
Rising 満ち澄る
Sorrowful 涙する
Fleeting 定めなき
Resonating 共鶏する
Bigoted 頑迷なる
Screaming 絶叫する
Cruel 週酷なる
Splended 華麗なる
Dreaming 夢喰らう
Muted 物言わぬ
Rotting 腐敗せる
Graceful たおやかな
Reincarnated 輸廻する
Discovered 露見せる
Indiscreet 心なき
Putrid 鼻曲がる
Hideous 忌まわしき
Soft 柔らかき
Beautiful 美しき
Raging 激怒する
Noisy ざわめく
Dog Dancing 犬踊る
Rejecting 拒絶する
Sleepy 午睡する
Sinking 沈みゆく
Greedy 欲深き
Voluptuous 悩ましき
Detestable 疎ましき
Chronicling 時きざむ
Stalking にじり寄る
Bitter ほろ苦き
Barking 味え猛る
Reckless 無謀なる
Perceived 大悟せる
Generous 心広き
Obedient 従順なる
Outpouring ほとばしる
Capricious 移り気な
Predatory 捕食する
Entwined からみつく
Abrasive 舌を出す
Lightless 光なき
Shapeless 姿なき
Bottomless 底知れぬ
Attracting 意かれあう
Spun 紡がれし
Lost 抜け落ちる
Incessant 飽くなき
Seeding 播種する
Clean 清浄なる
Solemn 厳かなる
Unusual 非凡なる
Dripping したたりし
Ancient 年経た
Billowing 波打つ
Jealous 嫉妬する
Mimic 擬態せし
Corroded 触まれし
Cracked ひび割れた
Intimidating 威嚇する
Sickened 病める
Plundered 略奪する
Excessive 過剰なる
Strayed 迷走せし
Vaguely おぼろなる
Secretive 秘めやかな
Sleepless 眠れぬ
Mysterious 謎めく
Writhing のたうつ
Unspeakable えも言えぬ
Strange 風変わりな
Unenduring 耐えがたき
Breezing 風遊ぶ
Unmatched 比類なき
Part B
English Japanese
Passed Over 過越しの
Forbidden 禁断の
Haunted 騒霊の
Corrupted 大罪の
Oblivious 忘却の
Eternal 久遠の
Smiling 微笑の
Momentary 刹那の
Despaired 失意の
Pagan 異教の
Silent 沈黙の
Distant 最果ての
Hopeless 絶望の
Bounded 因縁の
Evil-Eyed 邪眼の
Seeker's 希求者の
Confused 惑乱の
Grieving 嘆きの
Madness 狂乱の
Sage's 賢者の
Promised 約束の
Fossil's 化石の
Worst 最悪の
Snaring 講略の
Quicksilver 光遠の
Distrusting 不信の
Implacable 不僕藏天の
Sweltering 焦熱の
Fallow 朽葉色の
False 偽りの
Snowflake's 六花の
Wind Sand's 風紋の
Vindictive 復讐の
Emerald 翠緑の
Moonlit 月下の
Starving 空腹の
Countless 憶千万の
Tempting 誘惑の
Purgatorial 棟獄の
Primitive 原初の
Gluttonous 過食の
Hot-Blooded 沸血の
Destroyer's 破壊者の
Solitary 孤高の
Someone's 誰がための
Her 彼女の
Law's 捉の
Talisman 魔除けの
Orange 横色の
Organ Market 臓器売りの
Agonizing 苦問の
Geothermal 地熱の
Golden 金色の
Guffawing 大笑いの
Light Trap 誘競灯の
Soul 魂の
Dusk 官色の
Bemused 困喜の
Astigmatic 乱視の
Fatal 命取りの
Unending 堂々巡りの
Survivor's 生存者の
Sacred 不可侵の
Miracle 起死回生の
His 彼の
Ghostly 妖気の
Vengeful 逆襲の
Fantasy 夢幻の
Fated 運命の
Sea of Cloud 雲海の
Morphean 夢産みの
Hard Roe 魚卵の
Prejudiced 備愛の
Loose ゆるゆるの
Lifeless 死灰の
Sun-colored 陽色の
Your あなたの
Relativistic 相対論の
Half-boiled 生煮えの
Festive 祝祭の
Gambler's 勝負師の
Bloody 鮮血の
Windmill's 風車の
Imprisoned 囚われの
Disgraced 汚辱の
Forest Green 葉色の
Abyss' 奈落の
Desperate 捨て身の
Farewell はなむけの
Mythical 神話の
Satisfying 会心の
My わたしの
Illusionary 幻影の
Bird Grammar 鳥語文法の
Reborn 再誕の
Elusive 神出鬼没の
Traveler's 旅人の
Pseudo 見せかけの
Passionate 情熱の
Truth's 真実の
Betrayed 裏切りの
Facing Mirrors 合わせ鏡の
Darkside 月の裏の
Part C
English Japanese
Aqua Field 碧野
Holy Ground 聖域
Sea of Sand 沙海
Fort Walls 累璧
Twin Hills 双丘
White Devil 白魔
Hypha 菌糸
Spiral 蝶旋
Paradise 楽園
Fiery Sands 熱砂
Great Seal 大蓋
Fertile Land 沃土
Nothingness 虚無
Widow 未亡人
Prarie 風野
Judgement 裁き
Haunted Land 魔境
Arctic 極北
Walkway 散歩道
Milestone 道標
Core 中心核
Twins 双子
Valkyrie 戦乙女
Ice Wall 氷壁
Sipping Bug すすり虫
Arena 開技場
Chaos 混沌
Grasslands 休耕地
Capsule 被膜
Fate Castle 宿命城
Scars 傷痕
Nobleman 責公子
Gravestone 墓標
Dry Sea 干海
Sacrifice 生贄
Fallen Angel 堕天使
Altar 奈壇
Melody 旋律
Remnant 残留思念
March 進軍
Giant 巨人
Touchstone 試金石
Sunny Demon 陽鬼
Messenger 使い魔
Scent 香り
New Truth 新事実
Pilgrimage 巡礼
Scaffold 処刑場
Far Thunder 遠雷
Tri Pansy 三色すみれ
Treasure Gem 宝珠
Dead Lands 死地
Limit 限界
Kaleidoscope 万華鏡
Impulse 衝動
Feeling 感じ
Corridor 回廊
Drift 吹き溜まり
Cat Market 猫市場
Sanctum 奥の院
Footstep 足音
Remains 遺跡群
Cabbage 水芭蕉
Sand Trap 砂地獄
Raw Ore 造岩物質
Mirror World 鏡像世界
Neigh いななき
500 Lohan 五百羅漢
Trajectory 弾道
Projection 突起
Alchemy 練金術
Crossroad 別れ道
Ringing Ears 耳鳴り
Hog's Run 豚走り
Ebb and Flow 満ち引き
Tragedy 悲劇
Ridgeline 稜線
Clavicle 鎖骨
Compass 羅針盤
Battlefield 古戦場
Whale 勇魚
Fort 聖女
Stray Bull 野良牛
Excavation 発掘
Duel 果たし合い
Secret Tower 秘塔
Pure Defense 絶対防御
Downy Growth うぶ毛
Safe Haven 安息地
Lyric Poet 叙情詩人
Code 暗号
Treasury 宝物庫
Night Grass 夜泣き草
Crack 亀裂
Frontline 最前線
Den 巣穴
Abyss 深淵
Wavemaster 呪紋使い
Knights 騎士団
Virgin 聖女



General References