Infection Items

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Magic Shop
Item Name Description Price
Speed Charm Temporary increase in movement speed. 100 GP
Light Cross Recover target and any nearby member's HP by 150. 1000 GP
Warrior's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Physical Attack 200 GP
Knight's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Physical Defense 200 GP
Hunter's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Physical Accuracy 200 GP
Hermit's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Magical Attack 200 GP
Beast's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Magical Defense 200 GP
Wizard's Bane Temporary decrease in target's Magical Accuracy 200 GP
Raining Rocks Lv. 1 M: R: Earth: Drop

Drop stone on the target.

200 GP
Ice Storm Lv. 1 M: R: Water: Tornado

Generate a tornado with ice blocks.

200 GP
Fire Tempest Lv. 1 M: R: Fire: Tornado

Generate a tornado with fire.

200 GP
Green Gale Lv. 1 M: R: Wood: Tornado

Generate a tornado with leaves.

200 GP
Lightning Bolt Lv. 1 M: R: Thunder: Drop

Drop lightning on the target.

200 GP
Nightblight Lv. 1 M: S: Darkness: Converge

Skulls converge on the target.

200 GP






Body Armor

Leather Armor (Kite Starting Equipment)

Head Armor

Nomad's Hood (Kite Starting Equipment)

Leg Armor

Safety Shoes (Kite Starting Equipment)

Hand Armor

Leather Gloves (Kite Starting Equipment)


Body Armor

Head Armor

Leg Armor

Hand Armor


Body Armor

Head Armor

Leg Armor

Hand Armor

Head Gear Brigandine Rusted Hands Used greaves



Mizuchi 800 GP (Weapon shop)

Heavy Axeman

Water Axe 1000gp (Weapon shop)

Heavy Blade

Kikuichimonji 600GP (Weapon shop) Earth Sword 800gp (Weapon shop) Steelblade (BlackRose Starting Equipment)

Long Arm

Relief Lance 700gp (Weapon shop)

Twin Blade

Phantom Blades 800GP (Weapon shop) Assassin 1000GP (Weapon shop) Amateur Blades (Kite Starting Equipment)


Iron Rod 400gp (Weapon shop)

Key Items

Event Items

Grunty Food

Virus Cores

Book of 1000

Items in Treasures

Breakable Objects

Barrels Crates Egg Pile Large Egg Jar Pot Skeleton

Treasure Boxes

Risky Treasure Boxes

Gott Statue
