Outbreak Characters

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This page details characters met in Outbreak. This page is primarily for story and plot information. Characters are listed by their in-fiction status as Player Characters or Non-Player Characters, as well as by the prominence of their roles. For characters with extensive bios, clicking their profile image or name will lead to their in-depth page. For characters who are also fought as enemies, a link to their enemy data will be provided.

Primary Characters

Mandatory Party Members

New Party Members

Optional Party Members

Player Characters
Character Name: Terajima Ryoko
Character image: Terajima Ryoko
Gender Female
Class Heavy Axeman

Other Major Characters

Player Characters

AI characters


Secondary Characters

Player Characters

In The World, you may come across other player characters in towns or the fields. They are meant to emulate other people playing The World alongside you. Whenever you log into The World, it refreshes the pool of characters you will encounter in town. You can trade with them or make small talk. Unlike in Infection and Mutation, these characters do not change what they have to say throughout the entirety of Outbreak.[1]

For info on trading with characters: Outbreak Trading

Cameo Characters

 Nei                NOVA              Shouko
 Siesta             Tarou             Yuuji
 Heavy              Mayunosuke        Benkei
 Micino             Alicia            Waffle
 Quess              Nekoski           John
 Sachiko            Benoit            Yuji
 Bell               Cyan              Borscht
 Alue               BIG               Task
 Stare              A-Kichi           Mutsuki
 Alpha Ichigoro     Cossack Leader    Macky
 Wing               Henako            Annri
 Hirami             Flare             Cleama
 Grid               Crest             Yuckey
 Neja               Osugi             Panta
 M-78               Tim               Cima
 Fool               Koji              Teria
 Jutah              Oborozukiyo       Hayate
 Hinata             Gyokuro           Acerola

Other Player Characters

NPCs of The World

Mac Anu

Dun Loreiag





  1. Character quotes provided by Lindz's Archive and verified by MysteryCorgi.