World Network Council
The World Network Council (WNC) is a specialized council formed under the United Nations in response to the growing reliance on the internet. Formed in 2002, all countries with internet environments were obligated to join.
The WNC's first Winter General Meeting was held in January 2003. The council's ability to enact meaningful change was stalled by the varied expectations of the different represented countries. In April 2003, a virus called Hello WNC caused severe damage to a leading e-mail service provider, resulting in millions of reports of damages.
In July 2003, the WNC Summer General Meeting was held. The main agenda was about counter-measures against Hello WNC. International public opinion fell as the WNC founds itself unable to reach meaningful decisions or enact measures to meet their goals.
In December 2003, the Deadly Flash incident occurred. The computer virus resulted in the deaths of seven people. This incident lead to first instance of a death penalty ruling in response to an internet crime.
In April 2004, the WNC Spring General Meeting was held. Delegates from Japan, Germany, and Italy propose the concept of a "New Generation Hyper Net," which was met by objections from the representatives of the United States and China. The only agendas that the WNC managed to vote on were:
- Advancement of Research and Investigation of New Types of Viruses
- Support for New Development of Security Techniques
- Stronger Punishment for Cyber Crimes such as Hacking and Computer Virus Creations
In 2005, after a surge in cyber crime impacted the Swiss Banks and the Wall Street Stock Exchange along with major securities companies, the public further questioned the efficacy of the WNC. The WNC had not yet lived up to the slogans "Support for Security Development" and "Elimination of Cyber Crimes."
On December 24, 2005, the Pluto's Kiss virus caused all networks to crash. Almost all computers and systems connected to the network malfunction, which wreaked havoc across the world. It took 77 minutes to recover the network, but the damage was already done. The United States' nuclear defense systems and automated counter-strike programs were at risk of being triggered. The culprit was aa 10-year old grade school student. Jim Stonecold, the 44th President of the United States of America, took responsibility for the incident and resigned.
The WNC Winter General meeting was held in January 2006. In response to the recent catastrophe, the "New Generation Hyper Net" proposal was resurrected. The only operating system that had evaded Pluto's Kiss virus was ALTIMIT, which was designated as the universal basic operating system. Access to the new network is limited to government agencies and official business usage. Oridinary citizens were generally unable to access the new network.
In May 2007, the WNC granted special permission to the ALTIMIT Network game "Fragment" to begin testing, with the eventual goal to "invigorate the currently dead network entertainment markets."
In October 2007, the WNC announced that as of October 31st, nearly 100% of all network servers across the planet had been ported to ALTIMIT OS. Additionally, plans to lift network restrictions were set for December 24th, which the UN voted to designate as a holiday called "Virgin's Kiss." The game known in beta as "Fragment" was formally announced, and the game now known as "The World" was set to release on the same day the network restrictions would be dropped. In November, one million reservations are placed for "The World."
On December 24, 2007, the "Virgin's Kiss" holiday was celebrated. President Alex Coleman announced the "Network Peace Proclamation," the net restrictions were dropped, and millions of users around the world downloaded the Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game called "The World."