The .hack//GAME MUSIC discs features audio from from the Games Tetralogy. There were two Japanese releases ("Perfect Collection") by Victor Entertainment and a North American release ("Best Collection") by Geneon Entertainment.
Please be aware that bootleg copies of this product exist.[1] The information on this page details only legitimate releases.
CyberConnect2 CEO Interview
.hack’s charm // To the releasing of the soundtrack[2]
From CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama:
Text • interviewer / Osamu Kobayashi
First of all, I’d like to tell all of the users, “Thank you for waiting!” Ever since we released the first volume of the game in June of last year, the voices to request the release of the game version’s soundtrack came in by mail, e-mails and our Homepage’s Q&A section from the users nationwide. During this time the soundtracks for the video version of .hack//SIGN were released one after another and I often heard praise such as “it’s a great soundtrack!” or requests such as “how long do we need to wait for a version of the game soundtrack?” At last, we can tell everyone: thank you for waiting.
The soundtrack for all 4 volumes of .hack are packed into this best collection CD. Once you have finished all of the games, if you listen to this album, everything from the 4 volumes will play in your head like a revolving lantern. This album could even make you want to play the game all over again starting from the first volume. I believe the quality of this album is good enough for that.
.hack is one of a few mixed media projects among the many other products released every year. As pillars in this family of products related to .hack, the game soundtrack and animation soundtracks are not separate entities and have a few common characteristics. This game soundtrack will probably remind you of a scene from .hack//SIGN when you listen to it, however .hack has such charm and I believe that is an added value of the project.
The best thing that happened in this .hack project is that we became the trigger itself for the entire project. Although .hack has been widely developed in different media formats it all began with our planning of the script three years ago. Fortunately, the production of the game, animation and comics started with the help of Bandai and many other related entities in the industry. All of the .hack projects have not been just a simple media mix, but a media project where each component had its own time axis, main characters and stories. Therefore, no matter where you started from (game, animation or comic), you can enjoy the project itself and also gain additional enjoyment from the different dimensions of the links between the projects. That is our biggest accomplishment as well as our satisfaction. I believe you will experience such an enjoyment from this soundtrack, that I’d recommend that you listen to .hack//SIGN, .hack//LIMINALITY and .hack//EXTRA soundtracks, too. I think that is the way to enjoy .hack. It would be my pleasure if you fully enjoy this project from the first track to the last.
Spoiler Warning |
The following CD tracklist contains details that may be considered spoilers for Games Tetralogy. Proceed at your own discretion. |
Perfect Collection (Limited Edition)
.hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection [Limited Edition] was a Japan-only release, which included the standard 2 discs of music from the Games Tetralogy. This set also featured an extra disc of various sound effects from the games. This limited set came packaged with a .hack branded Original Memory Card Case for a PlayStation2 memory card.
Disc 1 [VICL-61116] |
Disc 2 [VICL-61117] |
Disc 3 [VIDY-38] | |||||||||||
# | Title
(Japanese) |
(English) |
Duration | # | Title
(Japanese) |
(English) |
Duration | # | Title
(Japanese) |
(English) |
Duration | ||
01 | title タイトル | title (Title) | 0:47 | 01 | Loop1 Vol.1 オープニング | Loop1 (Vol. 1 Opening) | 1:32 | 01 | 01T_dtpOp デスクトップ (オープン) (デスクトップ関連) |
01T_dtpOp Desktop (Open) |
0:10 | ||
02 | desktop デスクトップ | desktop (Desktop) | 1:41 | 02 | aura1 アウラのテーマ | aura1 (Aura's Theme) | 2:51 | 02 | 02T_apriSlct デスクトップ (アプリケーションセレクト) (デスクトップ関連) |
02T_apriSlct Desktop (Application Select) |
0:10 | ||
03 | toppage 「The World」トップページ |
toppage ("The World" Top Page) |
1:32 | 03 | blackrose ブラックローズのテーマ |
blackrose (BlackRose's Theme) |
1:59 | 03 | 03T_menuFix デスクトップ (決定) (デスクトップ関連) |
03T_menuFix Desktop (Decision) |
0:10 | ||
04 | rtown0 Δサーバー 水の都 マク・アヌ |
rtown0 (Δ Server Aqua Capital Mac Anu) |
2:14 | 04 | cathedral 隠されし禁断の聖域 |
cathedral (Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground) |
1:01 | 04 | 04T_cursor デスクトップ (カーソル移動) (デスクトップ関連) |
04T_cursor Desktop (Cursor Movement) |
0:10 | ||
05 | rtown1 Θサーバー 高山都市 ドゥナ・ロリヤック |
rtown1 (Θ Server Highland City Dun Loireag) |
2:24 | 05 | str9_1 初めての聖域でブラックローズと |
str9_1 (First Time at the Holy Ground With BlackRose) |
1:50 | 05 | 05T_cancel デスクトップ (キャンセル) (デスクトップ関連) |
05T_cancel Desktop (Cancel) |
0:09 | ||
06 | rtown2 Λサーバー 文明都市 カルミナ・ガデリカ |
rtown2 (Λ Server Cultural City Carmina Gadelica) |
2:07 | 06 | str9_2 バルムンク登場そしてウィルスバグ |
str9_2 (Balmung's Entry and a Virus Bug) |
2:11 | 06 | 06T_sendMail デスクトップ (メール送信) (デスクトップ関連) |
06T_sendMail Desktop (Mail Transmission) |
0:10 | ||
07 | rtown5 Σサーバー 空中都市 フォート・アウフ |
rtown5 (Σ Server Aerial City Fort Ouph) |
2:10 | 07 | mia ミアのテーマ | mia (Mia's Theme) | 1:09 | 07 | 07T_login 「The World」 ログイン (デスクトップ関連) |
07T_login "The World" Login |
0:10 | ||
08 | rtown6 Ωサーバー 遺跡都市 リア・ファイル |
rtown6 (Ω Server Relic City Lia Fail) |
1:49 | 08 | piroshi ぴろしのテーマ | piroshi (Piros's Theme) | 1:31 | 08 | 08menu_open ゲームメニュー (オープン) (ゲーム内メニュー関連) |
08menu_open Game Menu (Open) |
0:10 | ||
09 | puti_farm プチグソ牧場 |
puti_farm (Puchiguso Farm) |
1:24 | 09 | str01 クビア誕生 | str01 (Cubia's Birth) | 1:27 | 09 | 09menu_slct ゲームメニュー (セレクト) (ゲーム内メニュー関連) |
09menu_slct Game Menu (Select) |
0:09 | ||
10 | stage01 フィールド 草原 雨 通常〜戦闘 |
stage01 (Prairie Rain Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:22 | 10 | staff1 Vol.1〜Vol.3 スタッフロール |
staff1 Vol. 1 ~ Vol. 3 (Staff Roll) |
4:03 | 10 | 10menu_fix ゲームメニュー (決定) (ゲーム内メニュー関連) |
10menu_fix Game Menu (Decision) |
0:10 | ||
11 | stage04 フィールド 腐葉土 通常〜戦闘 |
stage04 (Humus Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:37 | 11 | ev07 飛行船旅団 | ev07 (Airship Brigade) | 1:32 | 11 | 11menu_cancel ゲームメニュー (キャンセル) (ゲーム内メニュー関連) |
11menu_cancel Game Menu (Cancel) |
0:10 | ||
12 | stage08 フィールド 土 通常〜戦闘 |
stage08 (Earth Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:09 | 12 | bonus0 八百由旬ボーナストラック:パンタ君 |
bonus0 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Panta-kun) |
1:35 | 12 | 12errbeep ゲームメニュー (エラー音) (ゲーム内メニュー関連) |
12errbeep Game Menu (Error Sound) |
0:09 | ||
13 | stage12 フィールド 荒野 通常〜戦闘 |
stage12 (Wilderness Field Normal ~ Battle) |
3:09 | 13 | Loop2 Vol.2オープニング | Loop2 (Vol. 2 Opening) | 1:32 | 13 | 13book 八百由旬の書を開く (ゲーム内SE) |
13book 800 Significant Seasons Open |
0:10 | ||
14 | stage17 フィールド 雪原 夜 通常〜戦闘 |
stage17 (Snowfield Night Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:37 | 14 | str10 Vol.1の回想(クビア誕生) |
str10 (Vol.1 Recollection (Cubia's Birth)) |
1:13 | 14 | 14gate_open カオスゲートを開く (ゲーム内SE) |
14gate_open Chaos Gate Open |
0:10 | ||
15 | stage19 フィールド 砂漠 通常〜戦闘 |
stage19 (Desert Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:43 | 15 | str11 リョース〜ヘルバ | str11 (Lios ~ Helba) | 2:32 | 15 | 15gate_close カオスゲートを閉じる (ゲーム内SE) |
15gate_close Chaos Gate Close |
0:10 | ||
16 | stage21 フィールド 灼熱 通常〜戦闘 |
stage21 (Scorching Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:15 | 16 | ev00 ネットスラム | ev00 (Net Slum) | 1:41 | 16 | 16gatemenu_eff1 ゲートハッキングメニュー (ウィルスコアのセットor解除) (ゲーム内SE) |
16gatemenu_eff1 Gate Hacking Menu (Set or Release of Virus Core) |
0:09 | ||
17 | dgn03 フィールド 森 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn03 (Forest Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:32 | 17 | aura2 アウラとクビア | aura2 (Aura and Cubia) | 0:53 | 17 | 17gatemenu_eff2 ゲートハッキングメニュー (エラー音) (ゲーム内SE) |
17gatemenu_eff2 Gate Hacking Menu (Error Sound) |
0:10 | ||
18 | dgn00 ダンジョン 石壁 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn00 (Stone Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
2:41 | 18 | ev06 クビア第1〜第3段階 | ev06 (Cubia Stage #1 ~ #3) | 2:20 | 18 | 18gatemenu_eff3 ゲートハッキングメニュー (カプセル回転) (ゲーム内SE) |
18gatemenu_eff3 Gate Hacking Menu (Capsule Rotation) |
0:10 | ||
19 | dgn01 ダンジョン 洞窟 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn01 (Cave Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
2:44 | 19 | ev08 逆城都市 | ev08 (The Inverted Castle) | 1:30 | 19 | 19gatemenu_eff4 ゲートハッキングメニュー (コンプリート) (ゲーム内SE) |
19gatemenu_eff4 Gate Hacking Menu (Complete) |
0:10 | ||
20 | dgn10 ダンジョン 城 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn10 (Castle Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
2:18 | 20 | dgn12_2 逆城都市−アンゴルモア− |
dgn12_2 (The Inverted Castle -Angolmore-) |
1:17 | 20 | 20warp PCの転送音 (ゲーム内SE) | 20warp PC Transmission Sound | 0:10 | ||
21 | dgn02 ダンジョン 肉壁 戦闘 |
dgn02 (Flesh Wall Dungeon Battle) |
1:37 | 21 | bonus1 八百由旬ボーナストラック:TEMPEST |
bonus1 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: TEMPEST) |
1:38 | 21 | 21skil_pc PCのスキル発動音 (ゲーム内SE) |
21skil_pc PC Skill Invoke Sound |
0:09 | ||
22 | ev05 第1相 スケィス | ev05 (Phase #1 Skeith) | 2:37 | 22 | Loop3 Vol.3 オープニング | Loop3 (Vol. 3 Opening) | 1:30 | 22 | 22skil_enemy モンスターのスキル発動音 (ゲーム内SE) |
22skil_enemy Monster Skill Invoke Sound |
0:10 | ||
23 | ev10 第2相 イニス | ev10 (Phase #2 Innis) | 2:27 | 23 | str17 Λタウンにて カイトとブラックローズ |
str17 (Kite and BlackRose in Λ Town) |
1:36 | 23 | 23barrier 属性耐性シールド (ゲーム内SE) |
23barrier Attribute Resistance Shield |
0:09 | ||
24 | ev11 第3相 メイガス | ev11 (Phase #3 Magus) | 2:21 | 24 | str30 楚良とスケィス | str30 (Sora and Skeith) | 0:56 | 24 | 24levelUp PCレベルアップ (ゲーム内SE) |
24levelUp PC Level Up |
0:10 | ||
25 | ev13 第4相 フィドヘル | ev13 (Phase #4 Fidchell) | 2:29 | 25 | puti プチグソのテーマ | puti (Puchiguso's Theme) | 1:31 | 25 | 25kakasi_foot カカシンガー足音 (ゲーム内SE) |
25kakasi_foot Kakasinger Footstep |
0:10 | ||
26 | ev14 第5相 ゴレ | ev14 (Phase #5 Gorre) | 2:22 | 26 | puti_win2 プチグソレース勝利のメロディ |
puti_win2 (Puchiguso Race Victory Melody) |
0:42 | 26 | 26box_open 宝箱を開ける (ゲーム内SE) |
26box_open Treasure Box is Opened Up |
0:10 | ||
27 | ev17 第6相 マハ | ev17 (Phase #6 Macha) | 2:37 | 27 | ev09 飛行生物 | ev09 (Flying Creature) | 1:34 | 27 | 27item1 アイテムゲット (ゲーム内SE) |
27item1 Item Get |
0:10 | ||
28 | ev18 第7相 タルヴォス | ev18 (Phase #7 Tarvos) | 2:37 | 28 | bonus2 八百由旬ボーナストラック:シアン&テリア姫 |
bonus2 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Cyan & Princess Teria) |
2:06 | 28 | 28item_LvUp1 装備レベルアップ1 (ゲーム内SE) |
28item_LvUp1 Equipment Level Up 1 |
0:10 | ||
29 | ev19_1 第8相 コルベニク 第1〜第2段階 |
ev19_1 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #1 ~ #2) |
2:54 | 29 | Loop4 Vol.4 オープニング | Loop4 (Vol. 4 Opening) | 1:28 | 29 | 29item_LvUp2 装備レベルアップ2 (ゲーム内SE) |
29item_LvUp2 Equipment Level Up 2 |
0:09 | ||
30 | ev19_2 第8相 コルベニク 第3段階 |
ev19_2 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #3) |
2:35 | 30 | str19 マハ出現 | str19 (Macha's Appearance) | 1:09 | 30 | 30item_LvDw 装備レベルダウン (ゲーム内SE) |
30item_LvDw Equipment Level Down |
0:10 | ||
31 | str20 ミアの死 | str20 (Mia's Death) | 1:59 | 31 | 31fairyOrb 妖精のオーブ (ゲーム内SE) |
31fairyOrb Fairy's Orb |
0:10 | ||||||
32 | ev20 クビア第4段階 | ev20 (Cubia Phase #4) | 2:15 | 32 | 32ocarina 精霊のオカリナ (ゲーム内SE) |
2ocarina Sprite Ocarina |
0:10 | ||||||
33 | str21 ドレインハート | str21 (Drain Heart) | 2:51 | 33 | 33warning HP警告音 (ゲーム内SE) |
33warning HP Warning Sound |
0:10 | ||||||
34 | ending エンディング | ending (Ending) | 2:55 | 34 | 34gameover_off モニターOFF (ゲーム内SE) |
34gameover_off Monitor OFF |
0:09 | ||||||
35 | staff4 Vol.4 スタッフロール | staff4 (Vol. 4 Staff Roll) | 3:11 | 35 | 35puti_whistle プチグソの笛 (プチグソ関連) |
35puti_whistle Puti Whistle | 0:10 | ||||||
36 | str32 ミア復活 回帰幻想 |
str32 (Recurring Illusions of Mia's Resurrection) |
3:13 | 36 | 36puti_foodget プチグソのエサを引っこ抜く音 (プチグソ関連) |
36puti_foodget Drawing Out Puchiguso Bait Sound |
0:09 | ||||||
37 | bonus3 八百由旬ボーナストラック:テイルコンチェルト |
bonus3 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Tail Concerto) |
2:30 | 37 | 37puti_eat プチグソがエサを食べる音 (プチグソ関連) |
37puti_eat Puchiguso Eating Food Sound |
0:10 | ||||||
38 | bonus4 八百由旬ボーナストラック:.hack MIX |
bonus4 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: .hack MIX) |
2:23 | 38 | 38puti_gepp プチグソのげっぷ (プチグソ関連) |
38puti_gepp Puchiguso Burp |
0:10 | ||||||
39 | 39food00 プチグソのエサの声 「金の卵」 (プチグソ関連) |
39food00 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Golden Egg" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
40 | 40food01 プチグソのエサの声 「ヘビグソミント」 (プチグソ関連) |
40food01 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Grunt Mints" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
41 | 41food02 プチグソのエサの声 「オニオンナイツ」 (プチグソ関連) |
41food02 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Twilight Onion" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
42 | 42food03 プチグソのエサの声 「サボヘビテン」 (プチグソ関連) |
42food03 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Snaky Cactus" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
43 | 43food04 プチグソのエサの声 「モウダメロン」 (プチグソ関連) |
43food04 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Oh No Melon" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
44 | 44food05 プチグソのエサの声 「トーチューカソウ」 (プチグソ関連) |
44food05 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Cordyceps" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
45 | 45food06 プチグソのエサの声 「ホワイトチェリー」 (プチグソ関連) |
45food06 Puchiguso Bait Voice "White Cherry" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
46 | 46food07 プチグソのエサの声 「カブカブ」 (プチグソ関連) |
46food07 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Root Vegetable" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
47 | 47food08 プチグソのエサの声 「ラ・パンプキン」 (プチグソ関連) |
47food08 Puchiguso Bait Voice "La Pumpkin" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
48 | 48food09 プチグソのエサの声 「マジックキノコ」 (プチグソ関連) |
48food09 Puchiguso Bait Voice "Mushroom" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
49 | 49food0a プチグソのエサの声 「マンドラゴルァ」 (プチグソ関連) |
49food0a Puchiguso Bait Voice "Mandoraga" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
50 | 50food0b プチグソのエサの声 「ナップルアップル」 (プチグソ関連) |
50food0b Puchiguso Bait Voice "Piney Apple" |
0:09 | ||||||||||
51 | 51food0c プチグソのエサの声 「未完の卵」 (プチグソ関連) |
51food0c Puchiguso Bait Voice "Immature Egg" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
52 | 52food0d プチグソのエサの声 「熊猫の卵」 (プチグソ関連) |
52food0d Puchiguso Bait Voice "Bear Cat Egg" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
53 | 53food0e プチグソのエサの声 「未だ見ぬ卵」 (プチグソ関連) |
53food0e Puchiguso Bait Voice "Invisible Egg" |
0:10 | ||||||||||
54 | 54food0f プチグソのエサの声 「血染めの卵」 (プチグソ関連) |
54food0f Puchiguso Bait Voice "Bloody Egg" |
0:09 | ||||||||||
55 | 55putiRace_start プチグソレースのファンファーレ (スタート時) (プチグソ関連) |
55putiRace_start Puchiguso Race Fanfare (Start Time) |
0:10 | ||||||||||
56 | 56putiRace_win1 プチグソレースのファンファーレ (ランクイン時) (プチグソ関連) |
56putiRace_win1 Puchiguso Race Fanfare (Ranking Time) |
0:12 | ||||||||||
57 | 57putiRace_lose プチグソレースのファンファーレ (ランクイン失敗時) (プチグソ関連) |
57putiRace_lose Puchiguso Race Fanfare (Ranking Failure Time) |
0:08 | ||||||||||
30 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 68:51 | 38 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 71:06 | 57 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 9:19 | ||
125 Total Tracks | Total Length 2:29:16[3] |
Liner Notes
Role | Names (Companies) |
Sound Team | Norikatsu Fukuda |
Chikayo Fukuda | |
Seizo Nakata | |
Vocals | Tomoyo Mitani |
Chorus | Tomoyo Mitani |
Vocal Track Recording Engineer | Kenzi Nagashima (Light Link Music) |
Produced by | Keiichi Nozaki (VICTOR) |
Co-produced by | Daisuke Uchiyama (BANDAI) |
Hiroshi Matsuyama (CYBER CONNECT2) | |
Sound Produced by | Norikatsu Fukuda |
Chikayo Fukuda | |
Seizo Nakata (CYBER CONNECT2) | |
Sound Performed by | Norikatsu Fukuda |
Chikayo Fukuda | |
Seizo Nakata (CYBER CONNECT2) | |
Mastering Engineered by | Hiroshi Kawasaki (FLAIR) |
Supervisor | Yoshiyuki Sadamoto |
Kazunori Ito | |
Koichi Mashimo | |
Executive Producer | Hideaki Kaneko (VICTOR) |
Management Producer | Shiro Sasaki (VICTOR) |
Head of Promotion | Shosei Ito (VICTOR) |
Promotion Team | Hiroyuki Abe |
Yu Saito | |
Yoshinori Sugawara | |
Shiho Miyai | |
A & R Desk | Etsuyo Onishi (VICTOR) |
Sales Promotion | Toshiyuki Nakajima |
Kou Yamashita (VICTOR) | |
Text Writer | 小林治 |
Cover Illustration | CYBER CONNECT2 |
Designer | Riichiro Yoshida |
Post Pro Editor | Ayumi Hara |
Special Thanks | 鵜之澤伸 (BANDAI) |
Fukashi Azuma (TV TOKYO) | |
Koji Morimoto | |
小林潤香 (BANDAI VISUAL) | |
江川功爾憲 (Bee Train) | |
高城一典 (Yomiko Advertising) | |
Toru Nakano | |
Takeshi Takadera | |
島崎加奈子 (HALF H·P STUDIO) | |
Liner Notes | Hiroshi Matsuyama |
Interviewer | 小林治 |
Interview | Chikayo Fukuda |
Seizo Nakata | |
Norikatsu Fukuda | |
Hiroshi Matsuyama |
Perfect Collection
.hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection was the standard release in Japan, which includes 2 discs of music from the Games Tetralogy.
Disc 1
Disc 1 [VICL-61116] |
Disc 2 [VICL-61117] | |||||||
# | Title
(Japanese) |
(English) |
Duration | # | Title
(Japanese) |
(English) |
Duration | |
01 | Loop1 Vol.1 オープニング | Loop1 (Vol. 1 Opening) | 1:32 | |||||
01 | title タイトル | title (Title) | 0:46 | 02 | aura1 アウラのテーマ | aura1 (Aura's Theme) | 2:51 | |
02 | desktop デスクトップ | desktop (Desktop) | 1:41 | 03 | blackrose ブラックローズのテーマ | blackrose (BlackRose's Theme) | 1:59 | |
03 | toppage 「The World」トップページ |
toppage ("The World" Top Page) |
1:31 | 04 | cathedral 隠されし禁断の聖域 |
cathedral (Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground) |
1:01 | |
04 | rtown0 Δサーバー 水の都 マク・アヌ |
rtown0 (Δ Server Aqua Capital Mac Anu) |
2:14 | 05 | str9_1 初めての聖域でブラックローズと |
str9_1 (First Time at the Holy Ground With BlackRose) |
1:50 | |
05 | rtown1 Θサーバー 高山都市 ドゥナ・ロリヤック |
rtown1 (Θ Server Highland City Dun Loireag) |
2:24 | 06 | str9_2 バルムンク登場そしてウィルスバグ |
str9_2 (Balmung's Entry and a Virus Bug) |
2:11 | |
06 | rtown2 Λサーバー 文明都市 カルミナ・ガデリカ |
rtown2 (Λ Server Cultural City Carmina Gadelica) |
2:06 | 07 | mia ミアのテーマ | mia (Mia's Theme) | 1:09 | |
07 | rtown5 Σサーバー 空中都市 フォート・アウフ |
rtown5 (Σ Server Aerial City Fort Ouph) |
2:10 | 08 | piroshi ぴろしのテーマ | piroshi (Piros's Theme) | 1:31 | |
08 | rtown6 Ωサーバー 遺跡都市 リア・ファイル |
rtown6 (Ω Server Relic City Lia Fail) |
1:48 | 09 | str01 クビア誕生 | str01 (Cubia's Birth) | 1:27 | |
09 | puti_farm プチグソ牧場 |
puti_farm (Puchiguso Farm) |
1:23 | 10 | staff1 Vol.1〜Vol.3 スタッフロール |
staff1 Vol. 1 ~ Vol. 3 (Staff Roll) |
4:03 | |
10 | stage01 フィールド 草原 雨 通常〜戦闘 |
stage01 (Prairie Rain Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:22 | 11 | ev07 飛行船旅団 | ev07 (Airship Brigade) | 1:32 | |
11 | stage04 フィールド 腐葉土 通常〜戦闘 |
stage04 (Humus Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:36 | 12 | bonus0 八百由旬ボーナストラック:パンタ君 |
bonus0 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Panta-kun) |
1:35 | |
12 | stage08 フィールド 土 通常〜戦闘 |
stage08 (Earth Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:08 | 13 | Loop2 Vol.2オープニング | Loop2 (Vol. 2 Opening) | 1:32 | |
13 | stage12 フィールド 荒野 通常〜戦闘 |
stage12 (Wilderness Field Normal ~ Battle) |
3:09 | 14 | str10 Vol.1の回想(クビア誕生) |
str10 (Vol.1 Recollection (Cubia's Birth)) |
1:13 | |
14 | stage17 フィールド 雪原 夜 通常〜戦闘 |
stage17 (Snowfield Night Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:36 | 15 | str11 リョース〜ヘルバ | str11 (Lios ~ Helba) | 2:32 | |
15 | stage19 フィールド 砂漠 通常〜戦闘 |
stage19 (Desert Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:42 | 16 | ev00 ネットスラム | ev00 (Net Slum) | 1:41 | |
16 | stage21 フィールド 灼熱 通常〜戦闘 |
stage21 (Scorching Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:14 | 17 | aura2 アウラとクビア | aura2 (Aura and Cubia) | 0:53 | |
17 | dgn03 フィールド 森 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn03 (Forest Field Normal ~ Battle) |
2:31 | 18 | ev06 クビア第1〜第3段階 | ev06 (Cubia Stage #1 ~ #3) | 2:20 | |
18 | dgn00 ダンジョン 石壁 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn00 (Stone Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
0:40 | 19 | ev08 逆城都市 | ev08 (The Inverted Castle) | 1:30 | |
19 | dgn01 ダンジョン 洞窟 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn01 (Cave Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
2:43 | 20 | dgn12_2 逆城都市−アンゴルモア− |
dgn12_2 (The Inverted Castle -Angolmore-) |
1:17 | |
20 | dgn10 ダンジョン 城 通常〜戦闘 |
dgn10 (Castle Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) |
2:17 | 21 | bonus1 八百由旬ボーナストラック:TEMPEST |
bonus1 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: TEMPEST) |
1:38 | |
21 | dgn02 ダンジョン 肉壁 戦闘 |
dgn02 (Flesh Wall Dungeon Battle) |
1:37 | 22 | Loop3 Vol.3 オープニング | Loop3 (Vol. 3 Opening) | 1:30 | |
22 | ev05 第1相 スケィス | ev05 (Phase #1 Skeith) | 2:36 | 23 | str17 Λタウンにて カイトとブラックローズ |
str17 (Kite and BlackRose in Λ Town) |
1:36 | |
23 | ev10 第2相 イニス | ev10 (Phase #2 Innis) | 2:26 | 24 | str30 楚良とスケィス | str30 (Sora and Skeith) | 0:56 | |
24 | ev11 第3相 メイガス | ev11 (Phase #3 Magus) | 2:20 | 25 | puti プチグソのテーマ | puti (Puchiguso's Theme) | 1:31 | |
25 | ev13 第4相 フィドヘル | ev13 (Phase #4 Fidchell) | 2:28 | 26 | puti_win2 プチグソレース勝利のメロディ |
puti_win2 (Puchiguso Race Victory Melody) |
0:42 | |
26 | ev14 第5相 ゴレ | ev14 (Phase #5 Gorre) | 2:22 | 27 | ev09 飛行生物 | ev09 (Flying Creature) | 1:34 | |
27 | ev17 第6相 マハ | ev17 (Phase #6 Macha) | 2:37 | 28 | bonus2 八百由旬ボーナストラック:シアン&テリア姫 |
bonus2 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Cyan & Princess Teria) |
2:06 | |
28 | ev18 第7相 タルヴォス | ev18 (Phase #7 Tarvos) | 2:36 | 29 | Loop4 Vol.4 オープニング | Loop4 (Vol. 4 Opening) | 1:28 | |
29 | ev19_1 第8相 コルベニク 第1〜第2段階 |
ev19_1 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #1 ~ #2) |
2:53 | 30 | str19 マハ出現 | str19 (Macha's Appearance) | 1:09 | |
30 | ev19_2 第8相 コルベニク 第3段階 |
ev19_2 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #3) |
2:34 | 31 | str20 ミアの死 | str20 (Mia's Death) | 1:59 | |
32 | ev20 クビア第4段階 | ev20 (Cubia Phase #4) | 2:15 | |||||
33 | str21 ドレインハート | str21 (Drain Heart) | 2:51 | |||||
34 | ending エンディング | ending (Ending) | 2:55 | |||||
35 | staff4 Vol.4 スタッフロール | staff4 (Vol. 4 Staff Roll) | 3:11 | |||||
36 | str32 ミア復活 回帰幻想 |
str32 (Mia's Resurrection - Recurring Illusions) |
3:13 | |||||
37 | bonus3 八百由旬ボーナストラック:テイルコンチェルト |
bonus3 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Tail Concerto) |
2:30 | |||||
38 | bonus4 八百由旬ボーナストラック:.hack MIX |
bonus4 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: .hack MIX) |
2:23 | |||||
30 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 66:30 | 38 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 71:06 | |
68 Total Tracks | Total Length: 2:17:36[4] |
Liner Notes
Best Collection
.hack//GAME MUSIC Best Collection is the North American[5] release, which contains selected music tracks from the Games Tetralogy.
# | Title
(English) |
Duration | |
01 | rtown0 Server Water Capital Aqua Anu | 2:14 | |
02 | stage01 Field Prairie Rain As a General Rule-Combat | 2:22 | |
03 | aura1 Aura's Theme | 2:51 | |
04 | blackrose BlackRose's Theme | 1:59 | |
05 | cathedral The Concealed Forbidden Sanctuary | 1:01 | |
06 | Balmung Appears then the Virus Bug | 2:11 | |
07 | mia Mia's Theme | 1:09 | |
08 | piroshi Piroshi's Theme | 1:32 | |
09 | rtown1 Server Highland City Dun Loireag | 2:24 | |
10 | ev05 Phase 1 Skeith | 2:36 | |
11 | str10 A Recollection of Volume 1(The Birth of Cubia) | 1:13 | |
12 | str11 Lios ~ Helba | 2:32 | |
13 | ev10 Phase 2 Innis | 2:26 | |
14 | rtown2 Server Cultural City Carmina Gadelica | 2:06 | |
15 | dgn03 Field Forest As a General Rule-Combat | 2:31 | |
16 | ev00 Net Slum | 1:41 | |
17 | ev11 Phase 3 Magus | 2:20 | |
18 | rtown5 Server Aerial City Fort Ouph | 2:10 | |
19 | ev13 Phase 4 Fidchell | 2:28 | |
20 | puti Putiguso's Theme | 1:31 | |
21 | ev14 Phase 5 Gorre | 2:22 | |
22 | str19 Macha's Arrival | 1:09 | |
23 | ev17 Phase 6 Macha | 2:37 | |
24 | rtown6 Server Relic City Lia Fail | 1:48 | |
25 | ev20 Cubia The Fourth Level | 2:15 | |
26 | ev18 Phase 7 Tarvos | 2:36 | |
27 | ev19 1 Phase 8 Corbenik The First-The Second Levels | 2:54 | |
28 | str21 Drain Heart | 2:51 | |
29 | ending Ending | 2:55 | |
30 | staff4 Volume 4 Staff Roll | 3:11 | |
31 | str32 Resurrection of Mia - A Revolution Fantasy | 3:13 | |
31 | Disc Tracks | Disc Duration | 69:08[6] |
Liner Notes
- ↑ Details of Bootleg version on (Video Game Music database) (Current as of Access date May 02, 2023)
- ↑ .hack Game Music Best Collection Product Page on Geneon's site (Archived May 17, 2008)
- ↑ .hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection [Limited Edition] on (Video Game Music database) (Current as of Access date May 02, 2023)
- ↑ .hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection on (Video Game Music database) (Current as of Access date May 02, 2023)
- ↑ Gann, Patrick .hack//GAME MUSIC Best Collection Review (October 1, 2006)
- ↑ .hack//GAME MUSIC Best Collection on (Video Game Music database) (Current as of Access date May 02, 2023)